Interview Questions

TCS NQT Interview Questions 2024

Preparing for the TCS NQT interview, a standardized assessment conducted by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), requires understanding potential questions that may be asked, practicing clear and concise communication, and demonstrating both technical proficiency and soft skills. Scroll down to practice the latest TCS NQT Interview Questions.

TCS NQT Interview Process - Quick Overview

Here's an overview of the TCS NQT interview process:


The interview stage aims to provide a holistic assessment of candidates. It evaluates not only their technical competence but also their interpersonal skills, adaptability, and problem-solving capabilities. The interview session is a comprehensive process that can vary in duration, typically spanning from 25 to 40 minutes. During this interview stage, candidates will interact with three distinct interview panels:

1. Technical Expert Panel: This panel consists of experts in the relevant technical domain. They assess a candidate's technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of key concepts related to their field.
2. HR Panel: The HR panel focuses on assessing the candidate's soft skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit within TCS. They may ask questions about the candidate's background, experiences, and motivations.
3. Managerial Panel: The managerial panel evaluates a candidate's managerial and leadership potential. They may pose situational and behavioral questions to gauge the candidate's ability to handle challenges, make decisions, and work effectively within a team.

TCS NQT Interview Questions

Technical Round

In the TCS Digital technical round, candidates are expected to showcase their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and deep understanding of relevant concepts.


1. Tell me about yourself

How you can approach this question :

Education and Achievements: Briefly mention your degree, major, and any academic distinctions from your recent education.

Relevant Skills and Coursework: Highlight key courses and skills related to the job, like programming languages or software tools you're proficient with.

Projects and Internships: Describe significant projects or internships, focusing on your role, technologies used, and what you learned.

Career Motivation: Share why you chose your field and your career goals, connecting your passion with the role you're applying for.

Company Fit: Explain why you're a good fit for the company, mentioning any specific attributes of the company that align with your career aspirations.

Keep it Professional: Maintain a professional tone and focus on aspects that are most relevant to the job.


2. Can you explain In detail about your project

How to Approach the Question

  • Brief Overview / Problem statement & The Solution: Start with a concise description of what the project is about. What was the goal or problem it aimed to solve?

  • Technologies Used: Mention the technologies, tools, and methodologies employed in the project. This could include programming languages, software tools, or frameworks.

  • Your Role: Clearly describe what your responsibilities were. Highlight any specific contributions you made, such as designing a part of the system, coding critical functionalities, or managing a team.

  • Challenges and Solutions: Discuss any significant challenges you faced during the project and how you addressed them. This can illustrate your problem-solving ability and creativity.

  • Outcome: Explain what the project achieved — whether it met its goals, any metrics of success, or any recognition it might have received. This shows the impact and value of your work.

  • Learnings: Conclude by sharing what you learned from the project. Reflecting on what insights you gained or skills you developed shows a capacity for growth and self-improvement.


3. What are the problems you faced during your project ?

  • Specificity: Begin by describing a specific problem that you encountered with the project interface. It helps to focus on a particularly challenging issue that had a significant impact on the project.
  • Context and Impact: Provide context for the problem. What part of the project was affected? What was the potential impact of this issue on the overall project outcome?
  • Problem Analysis: Explain how you analyzed or diagnosed the issue. What tools, methods, or data did you use to understand the problem fully?
  • Solution Strategy: Discuss the steps you took to solve the problem. This can include technical solutions, changes in processes, or collaboration with other team members. Highlight any innovative or unconventional methods you used.
  • Outcome and Learnings: Share the result of your intervention. Was the problem fully resolved? What improvements were observed? Conclude with what you learned from the experience and how it has influenced your approach to similar problems since then.


4. What is the Prefered language as mentioned in the resume?

How to Approach the Question

  • Explain Your Choice: Start by explaining why you prefer this language. What features or capabilities make it your top choice? How does it align with your overall programming philosophy or the types of projects you work on?

  • Provide Examples: Discuss specific instances where you used this language. Highlight significant projects, the challenges you faced, and how using this language provided a solution. This helps validate your choice and showcases your practical experience.

  • Discuss Proficiency: Talk about your level of expertise. You might mention any advanced features of the language you've used, such as metaprogramming in Ruby, lambda expressions in Java, or async functions in JavaScript.

  • Learning and Improvement: Share how you continue to improve your skills in this language. Do you follow any specific developers or communities? Are there particular resources or practices that help you stay updated?

  • Comparison: If relevant, compare this language to others you know, explaining why it stands out. This can demonstrate your broader technical understanding and analytical skills.


5. How is SQL used in your project?

  • Sample Answer: In my project, SQL was primarily used for managing and querying a MySQL database to support various application functionalities. I wrote SQL queries for data retrieval, manipulation, and reporting, including complex joins and subqueries to extract meaningful insights from the data. One challenge was optimizing query performance for large datasets, which I addressed by indexing key columns and refining the database schema. Additionally, I integrated SQL with a Python-based backend to ensure seamless data flow between the application and the database, using ORM tools like SQLAlchemy to streamline this process.

  • Additional tips: When approaching this question, focus on clearly explaining the context of your project and how SQL played a critical role in achieving its objectives. Highlight specific examples of your SQL usage, including any challenges you faced and how you solved them, to showcase your problem-solving skills and technical expertise.


6. Can you explain the key features of Java and its architecture, including the roles of JVM, JRE, and JDK?

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language known for its platform independence, meaning it can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Key features include strong memory management, multithreading support, and a rich standard library. The Java Development Kit (JDK) is used for developing applications, while the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the necessary libraries and JVM to run them. Java bytecode, compiled from source code, ensures the "write once, run anywhere" capability by being executed within the JVM.


7. What is the program asked in your NQT exam?


  • Clearly state the problem that was asked.
  • Briefly discuss your approach to solving it, highlighting any unique strategies or solutions you applied.


8. Java program to reverse the string

  • Write a concise Java method using either a loop to swap characters or by utilizing a String Builder to reverse the string.
  • Explain your choice of method and why it is effective.


9. Array-based programming questions

  • Explain the array manipulation you are doing, whether it’s sorting, searching, or modifying.
  • Demonstrate your solution with clean and well-commented code.
  • Discuss the time and space complexity of your solution.


10. Function to find the longest Substring without repeating characters

  • Use an optimal approach such as the sliding window technique with a hash set or map to track characters and their indices.
  • Clearly explain how your algorithm works and why it ensures the best performance.


11. SQL query- find employee name whose starts with 'a'

Provide a SQL query like: SELECT employee_name FROM employees WHERE employee_name LIKE 'a%';

Explain the use of the LIKE clause and why the % wildcard is used following 'a'.


12. OOPS Concept Based Questions : Example : what is Constructor Overloading ?

Constructor overloading is a feature in object-oriented programming (OOP) where a class can have multiple constructors with the same name but different parameter lists. This allows objects of the class to be initialized in various ways. For example, in Java, a Rectangle class could have constructors that either accept width and height as parameters or take another Rectangle object to create a copy. Constructor overloading is useful for providing flexibility in object creation and improving code readability. However, it's important to ensure that each constructor properly initializes all fields to avoid issues like uninitialized objects.

Additional Tips :

Focus on mastering concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction, as these are frequently discussed in technical interviews.


13. What is Data Redundancy ?

Data redundancy occurs when the same piece of data is stored in multiple locations within a database or system. This can lead to inconsistencies, increased storage costs, and challenges in data management. While sometimes intentional for performance reasons (like in data replication), redundancy can often result in data anomalies, making it important to minimize through proper database design techniques like normalization.

Additional Tips:

Make sure to understand key database concepts such as normalization, indexing, and ACID properties, as these are crucial for designing efficient and reliable databases.


14. Can you explain what Jenkins, Docker, and CI/CD tools are, how you've used them in your projects, and the benefits they offer?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that facilitates continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) by automating build, test, and deployment processes. Docker is a containerization platform that packages applications and their dependencies into containers, making them portable and consistent across different environments. CI/CD tools automate code integration and deployment, streamlining the software development lifecycle. In my projects, I’ve used Jenkins to create automated pipelines for code testing and deployment, and Docker to ensure consistent application environments across development and production. These tools have significantly reduced deployment times and improved collaboration by minimizing environment-related issues.

Additional Tips:

Focus on understanding the integration of these tools in a DevOps pipeline, and be familiar with concepts like container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes) and automated testing, as these are increasingly important in modern development practices.


15. Can you explain the uses of SSH and HTTPS, their differences, and some methods for inspecting HTTPS traffic, preventing MITM attacks, and handling TLS handshakes? Additionally, how do you stay updated with security threats and handle breaches?

SSH (Secure Shell) is used for secure remote command-line access and file transfers, while HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is used to encrypt communication between a browser and a website, protecting data in transit. SSH is primarily for server management, while HTTPS secures web traffic. Tools like Fiddler or Wireshark can inspect HTTPS traffic by intercepting and decrypting it using a proxy or self-signed certificate. A 'man-in-the-middle' (MITM) attack is when an attacker intercepts communication between two parties, but SSH and HTTPS help prevent this by using encryption and certificate-based authentication. The TLS handshake involves key exchange, certificate verification, and agreement on session ciphers, ensuring a secure connection. To stay updated on security threats, I follow cybersecurity news, participate in forums, and engage in continuous learning. If faced with a security breach, I prioritize containment, analysis, and implementing measures to prevent future incidents.

Additional Tips:

Understand tools and techniques for inspecting encrypted traffic, and be able to articulate the steps in a TLS handshake. Be ready to share real-world experiences related to security breaches and discuss how you stay informed on the latest security trends.


16. Can you explain what Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is, how it differs from PAAS and SAAS, and discuss major providers, use cases, and current trends?

Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is a cloud computing model where users rent IT infrastructure like servers, virtual machines, storage, and networks from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. Unlike Platform as a Service (PAAS) and Software as a Service (SAAS), which abstract more of the infrastructure, IAAS provides the most control, allowing users to manage the underlying hardware and software. Major IAAS providers include AWS (with services like EC2), Microsoft Azure (with Azure Virtual Machines), and Google Cloud Platform (with Google Compute Engine). IAAS is particularly useful for hosting complex databases, running high-load applications, and scenarios requiring extensive customization. Advantages include scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, though challenges like security and technical expertise requirements should be considered. Current trends in IAAS involve the integration of AI and machine learning, hybrid cloud solutions, and enhanced security features.

Additional Tips:

Understand the distinctions between IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS, and familiarize yourself with the key services offered by major cloud providers. Be ready to discuss real-world use cases and stay updated on emerging trends like hybrid cloud strategies and advancements in cloud security.


17. Can you explain various Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) concepts, including common data structures, algorithms, and their practical applications?

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) are fundamental concepts in computer science used to efficiently store, manage, and solve problems.

Common Data Structures:

  • Arrays: Fixed-size, indexed structures for storing elements of the same type.
  • Linked Lists: Dynamic structures where elements (nodes) are linked using pointers, including singly, doubly, and circular lists.
  • Stacks and Queues: Abstract data types with LIFO (Last In First Out) for stacks and FIFO (First In First Out) for queues.
  • Trees: Hierarchical structures, such as binary trees and binary search trees, for managing data with parent-child relationships.
  • Graphs: Structures consisting of nodes (vertices) and edges, used to model relationships, with algorithms like DFS (Depth-First Search) and BFS (Breadth-First Search).
  • Hash Tables: Structures that map keys to values using a hash function, with collision handling methods like chaining.

Common Algorithms:

  • Sorting: Algorithms like Bubble Sort (O(n²)), Quick Sort (O(n log n)), and Merge Sort (O(n log n)) are used to arrange data.
  • Searching: Linear Search (O(n)) for sequential search and Binary Search (O(log n)) for efficient search in sorted arrays.
  • Dynamic Programming: Techniques like memoization to solve problems like the Fibonacci sequence and knapsack problem.
  • Greedy Algorithms: Making locally optimal choices, exemplified by Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths.

Practical Applications:

  • Arrays: Quick access to elements in data storage.
  • Graphs: Used in social networks and navigation systems.
  • Hash Tables: Efficient data retrieval in associative arrays and database indexing.

Time and Space Complexity: Understanding the efficiency of algorithms using Big O notation is crucial. For example, Binary Search has a time complexity of O(log n), indicating its efficiency in searching sorted data.

Additional Tips:

Focus on understanding the underlying principles of each data structure and algorithm, and practice implementing them in code. Also, consider the time and space complexity of your solutions to ensure optimal performance in different scenarios.


18. What do you know about Data Science, and how would you explain its key components and practical applications?

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that utilizes scientific methods, algorithms, and systems to extract insights from structured and unstructured data. It involves key components like data collection and cleaning, exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand data patterns, statistical analysis and machine learning for predictive modeling, and data visualization to communicate findings. Common tools include Python, R, SQL, and libraries like Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and TensorFlow.

Practical Applications: Data science is widely used across industries: in healthcare for predictive analytics and personalized medicine, in finance for fraud detection and risk management, in marketing for customer segmentation and recommendation systems, and in retail for inventory management and sales forecasting.

Experience: For instance, in a project, I used regression models to predict sales trends and visualized the results with Tableau.

Future Trends and Ethical Considerations: The field is evolving with advancements in deep learning and AI, but it's crucial to address ethical issues like data privacy and bias in algorithms.

Additional Tips:

Focus on understanding the full data science workflow, from data collection to modeling and visualization. Be aware of current trends and ethical challenges in the field, and be ready to discuss any hands-on experience you have with real-world data science projects.


19. How would you build an HTML login form?

To build an HTML login form, start with a basic HTML structure. Use the <form> tag to create the form, include <label> and <input> fields for the username and password, and add a submit button. Implement basic validation with HTML5 attributes like required. Optionally, you can add CSS for better styling and user experience.

Approach Tips:

  • Focus on creating a functional form with clear labels and input fields.
  • Consider accessibility and basic validation to ensure the form works for all users.
  • Make sure to practice building basic HTML forms like login forms before going for technical interviews, as these types of questions are common. Being familiar with form elements, validation, and basic styling can help you confidently answer similar questions during the interview.

Managerial Round

In the TCS managerial round, candidates are expected to demonstrate a thorough understanding of both technical and managerial aspects. Likely types of questions include those about the latest technologies such as AI, machine learning, deep learning, and IoT, as well as specific technical questions about projects, domains, and concepts like numpy, pandas, and Java features. Additionally, candidates may be asked to solve common coding problems or scenario-based questions, such as automating an email or writing JavaScript for a date picker. They should also be prepared to discuss their career aspirations, explaining where they see themselves in five years and how their goals align with TCS. To prepare, students should stay updated on current technological trends, deeply understand their project and domain, practice solving technical problems, and be ready to articulate their career goals and knowledge about TCS.

Some of the sample questions for managerial round are given below :


1. Create a JavaScript program for a date picker button that displays a calendar

Approach to Answering the Question

Understanding the Requirements:

Start by restating the problem to ensure understanding:

"You want a button labeled 'Date Picker'. When clicked, it should display a calendar."

Explaining the Solution

Outline the steps needed to achieve the desired functionality:

"First, I'll create an HTML button with the label 'Date Picker'."
"Next, I'll write a JavaScript function that displays a calendar when the button is clicked."
"I'll use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create and style the calendar."

Writing the Code

Provide a clear and concise code



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>
    <title>Date Picker Example</title>
        /* Add some basic styling for the calendar */
        #calendar {
            display: none;
            position: absolute;
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            background-color: #fff;
        .day {
            width: 30px;
            height: 30px;
            display: inline-block;
            text-align: center;
            line-height: 30px;
            margin: 2px;
            cursor: pointer;
        .day:hover {
            background-color: #eee;
    <button id='datePickerButton'>Date Picker</button>
    <div id='calendar'></div>

    <script src='script.js'></script>

JavaScript (script.js):

document.getElementById('datePickerButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
    const calendar = document.getElementById('calendar');
    calendar.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous calendar = 'block';

    const date = new Date();
    const month = date.getMonth();
    const year = date.getFullYear();

    const firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
    const daysInMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();

    // Generate calendar days
    for (let i = 0; i < firstDay; i++) {
        calendar.innerHTML += '<div class='day'></div>'; // Empty days before the first day of the month
    for (let i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) {
        calendar.innerHTML += `<div class='day'>${i}</div>`;

Demonstrating Understanding

Explain the components of the solution:

"The HTML part contains a button and a div to display the calendar."
"In the CSS, I've added some basic styling to position and style the calendar."
"The JavaScript code listens for a button click, generates the calendar for the current month, and displays it in the calendar div."

Handling Edge Cases

Discuss any edge cases or additional features:

"This is a basic implementation. We could enhance it by allowing users to navigate between months, highlight the current date, or select a date."


Summarize the approach and invite questions:

"That's a basic date picker implementation. Do you have any specific requirements or questions about this solution?"


2. Can you explain In detail about your project?

How to Approach the Question

  • Brief Overview / Problem statement & The Solution: Start with a concise description of what the project is about. What was the goal or problem it aimed to solve?

  • Technologies Used: Mention the technologies, tools, and methodologies employed in the project. This could include programming languages, software tools, or frameworks.

  • Your Role: Clearly describe what your responsibilities were. Highlight any specific contributions you made, such as designing a part of the system, coding critical functionalities, or managing a team.

  • Challenges and Solutions: Discuss any significant challenges you faced during the project and how you addressed them. This can illustrate your problem-solving ability and creativity.

  • Outcome: Explain what the project achieved — whether it met its goals, any metrics of success, or any recognition it might have received. This shows the impact and value of your work.

  • Learnings: Conclude by sharing what you learned from the project. Reflecting on what insights you gained or skills you developed shows a capacity for growth and self-improvement.


3. What are the problems you faced during your project ?

During my final year project, I faced a challenge with integrating the front-end interface with the back-end API. The issue caused delays in data retrieval, making the application feel sluggish. This problem could have affected the usability of our project. To diagnose the issue, I used browser developer tools to inspect network requests and identified that some API calls were taking longer than expected due to inefficient data handling. I worked with my team to optimize these calls and adjusted the front-end code to handle data more efficiently. As a result, the application’s responsiveness improved significantly, and we were able to meet our project deadlines. This experience taught me the importance of thorough testing and optimizing both front-end and back-end interactions.

Generic Tips

1.Choose a problem that has a noticeable impact on your project, demonstrating your ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues.
2.Emphasize how you worked with your team to find a solution, showcasing both your technical skills and teamwork.


4. Explain the Need for the Project?

The concept of doing a project in college is essential because it allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, enhancing their understanding and skills. It helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork, which are crucial for their future careers. Projects also provide hands-on experience, preparing students for the challenges they will face in the professional world.

Generic Tips:

Emphasize how college projects bridge the gap between theory and practical application.Highlight the importance of gaining hands-on experience and developing key skills through projects.


5. How to automate mail?

To automate mail, the objective must be clear—whether it's for sending newsletters, automated responses, or reminders. The process typically involves identifying triggers (like a user action or a specific time), creating the email content, and selecting the appropriate tools. Tools like Mailchimp or SendGrid are popular for email marketing, while Python can be used for custom automation scripts, often in combination with frameworks like Flask or Django for web-based automation. For example, using Python's smtplib, you can write a script to send emails automatically based on specific triggers. Challenges like ensuring deliverability and avoiding spam filters can be managed by following best practices, such as using verified sender addresses and carefully crafting email content. Handling errors can be addressed by implementing logging and error notifications.

Generic Tips:

When approaching mail automation questions, clearly define the objective, outline the steps, and mention relevant tools and technologies. Use practical examples to illustrate your explanation, and discuss potential challenges along with solutions to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.


6. Why should someone choose the latest technologies?

Choosing the latest technologies is crucial because they offer improved efficiency, productivity, and the potential for innovation. Staying updated with these technologies helps individuals remain competitive in the job market and ensures that organizations can innovate and grow. For example, adopting AI and machine learning can lead to better data analysis and problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, embracing new technologies prepares both individuals and organizations for future challenges, ensuring they are adaptable and future-proof in a rapidly changing tech landscape.

Generic Tips:

When discussing the importance of choosing the latest technologies, focus on the benefits of improved efficiency, staying relevant, and fostering innovation. Emphasize how these technologies enhance problem-solving abilities and prepare users for future challenges.


7. Difference between Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the broad field of creating machines that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that focuses on developing algorithms that allow computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Deep Learning (DL) is a further specialization within ML, involving neural networks with many layers (deep neural networks) that can model complex patterns, particularly useful for tasks like image and speech recognition.

To illustrate, AI covers everything from basic rule-based systems to advanced neural networks. ML involves systems that learn from data, and DL specifically uses deep neural networks to tackle complex tasks. For example, virtual assistants like Siri use AI, Netflix's recommendation system is based on ML, and autonomous vehicles rely on DL to process visual data.

Generic Tips:

When explaining the differences between AI, ML, and DL, start with clear definitions and highlight their relationships. Use practical examples to make the distinctions clear and show your understanding of how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios.


8. What is numpy and pandas?

NumPy is a fundamental package for numerical computing in Python, offering support for efficient array operations, multi-dimensional arrays (ndarrays), and a variety of mathematical functions. It's widely used in scientific computing, machine learning, and as a backend for other libraries.

Pandas is a powerful and flexible library for data manipulation and analysis. It provides data structures like Series and DataFrame, which are ideal for handling structured data. Pandas excels in data cleaning, transformation, and analysis tasks, making it a go-to tool in fields like finance, healthcare, and social sciences.

For example, I used NumPy in a project to perform matrix multiplication efficiently, speeding up calculations that would have been slower with pure Python. In another project, I used pandas to clean and merge multiple data sources, handle missing values, and conduct exploratory data analysis before applying machine learning algorithms.


9. What do you think about AI

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, involves machines simulating human intelligence to perform tasks like decision-making and pattern recognition. It's widely used in industries like healthcare, finance, and tech, with recent advancements in deep learning and natural language processing. AI can drive innovation, improve efficiency, and offer personalized experiences, though it also raises ethical concerns. In this role, AI could be leveraged to enhance product offerings and streamline processes. Looking forward, I see AI continuing to evolve, becoming more integral to everyday life and business operations.

Generic Tips:

When discussing AI, focus on its core functions and relevance to the role or industry. Mention recent trends, potential impacts, and future developments to demonstrate your understanding and forward-thinking approach.


10. What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and technologies that connect and exchange data over the internet. Key components of IoT include sensors, connectivity, data processing, and user interfaces. Common examples of IoT applications include smart home devices, industrial automation, and wearable health monitors. IoT offers benefits like increased efficiency and improved decision-making, but it also presents challenges such as security and privacy concerns. Current trends like edge computing, 5G, and AI integration are shaping the future of IoT, with significant potential for further advancements.

Generic Tips:

When discussing IoT, start with a clear definition and mention its key components. Provide real-world examples to illustrate its applications, and touch on both the benefits and challenges. Finally, show awareness of current trends and future prospects to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.


11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I see myself growing into a role where I can take on more responsibility, possibly leading projects or a small team. I aim to deepen my expertise in [specific field or skill relevant to the job], which aligns with the company’s focus on innovation and growth. I’m eager to contribute to the company’s success while continuing to learn and adapt to new challenges. I’m also open to exploring different opportunities within the company that allow me to expand my skills and make a meaningful impact.

Generic Tips:

When answering this question, reflect on your career aspirations and align them with the company’s goals. Show ambition while being realistic, and emphasize your commitment to learning and adapting to new challenges as you grow in your career

Prime Interview Questions

In the TCS Prime interview , the questions in Technical round , Managerial round and HR were more or less same as in the digital round , so prepare those questions first and students felt the technical round was a bit more challenging compared to the digital interview. In addition to the questions we have learnt above , these are some of the sample extra questions that can be asked in the technical round of the prime interview. This is only for students who are eligible for the Prime Interview.


1. Merge Two Sorted Arrays

  • Write a function to check if a given string is a palindrome. Discuss both iterative and recursive approaches. What are the edge cases to consider in your solution?


2. Check if a String is a Palindrome

  • Write a function to check if a given string is a palindrome. Discuss both iterative and recursive approaches. What are the edge cases to consider in your solution?


3. Threads in Java

  • Explain the concept of multithreading in Java. How do you create and manage threads in Java? What are the common issues faced in multithreading, and how do you handle synchronization and deadlocks?


4. Collections

  • Describe the Java Collections Framework. What are the different types of collections, and when would you use each type?
  • Provide examples of how to use ArrayList, HashMap, and HashSet. What are the differences between these collections?


5. Exception Handling:

  • Explain how exception handling works in Java. What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?
  • Write a code example that demonstrates the use of try-catch blocks and custom exceptions.


6. OOP Concepts:

  • What are the four main principles of object-oriented programming (OOP)?
  • Provide examples of how inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction are used in a Java program.


7. Web Server vs. Application Server:

  • Explain the differences between a web server and an application server. What are the roles of each in a web application?
  • Provide examples of popular web servers and application servers, and discuss scenarios where you would use each.


8. Basics of Cloud and DevOps:

  • What is cloud computing, and what are its main service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)?
  • Describe the key principles and practices of DevOps. How do DevOps practices improve software development and deployment?


9. Cloud Services:

Discuss the major cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) and their core services. How do these services differ, and what are their typical use cases?Explain the concept of serverless computing and its benefits.


10. Network and Its Types:

  • Explain the different types of computer networks (LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN). What are the key characteristics and use cases for each type?
  • Describe the OSI model and its layers. How do the layers interact with each other?

HR Round

In the TCS Digital HR round, candidates are expected to showcase their personal attributes, willingness to adapt, and knowledge about TCS. Likely questions include self-introduction, family background, willingness to relocate or work in shifts, and reasons for choosing TCS. They should also be prepared to articulate why they chose TCS and what they expect from their career there.

Some of the sample HR round questions are given below :


1. What do you know about TCS?

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a leading global IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization. It is a part of the Tata Group, one of India's largest and most respected conglomerates. TCS offers a wide range of services including software development, IT infrastructure management, and business consulting. The company operates in over 46 countries and has a strong global presence, serving clients across various industries. TCS is known for its focus on innovation and has received numerous awards for its contributions to the IT sector.


2. Why TCS?

I want to join TCS because of its reputation as a leader in the IT industry and its strong emphasis on employee growth and development. TCS offers opportunities to work on diverse and challenging projects across various industries, which is appealing as it allows me to expand my skills and knowledge. Additionally, TCS's commitment to innovation and technology aligns with my career aspirations. The company's global presence also offers the potential for international exposure, which is an exciting prospect for my professional growth.

Generic Tips:

When explaining why you want to join a company like TCS, focus on its reputation, opportunities for growth, and the alignment between the company's values and your career goals. Highlight specific aspects like innovation, diversity of projects, and global exposure to show how TCS is a good fit for your aspirations.


3. Did you visit the TCS website?

Yes, I visited the TCS website and found it very informative. I explored the sections on TCS's service offerings, which gave me a clear understanding of the wide range of solutions the company provides. I also looked into the recent projects and success stories, which highlighted TCS's impact across various industries. Additionally, I appreciated the insights into the company’s culture, values, and employee programs, as well as the news updates about TCS's latest achievements and initiatives.

Generic Tips:

When asked if you've visited a company’s website, confirm that you have and mention specific sections or content that you found valuable. This shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the company. Highlight areas that are relevant to your role or interests, such as service offerings, company culture, or recent achievements.


4. What do you expect from TCS?

From TCS, I expect opportunities for professional growth and career advancement through access to training and development programs that will help me enhance my skills. I look forward to working in a supportive and inclusive environment where I can collaborate with talented professionals. I’m also excited about the prospect of working on innovative and impactful projects that contribute to the company’s success. Additionally, I value a healthy work-life balance, which I believe TCS promotes.

Generic Tips:

When discussing your expectations from a company , focus on aspects that align with your career goals, such as growth opportunities, skill development, and a positive work environment. Mention specific things like innovative projects and work-life balance to show that you have thought about how the company can support your professional and personal well-being.


5. Who is the founder of TCS and its current chairman ?

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was founded by Tata Sons in 1968, with J.R.D. Tata, who was the chairman of Tata Sons at that time, playing a key role in its establishment. The current chairman of Tata Sons, who also oversees TCS, is Natarajan Chandrasekaran.

Generic Tips:

When answering questions about company history and leadership, provide clear and accurate information. Mention both the historical founding figures and current leaders to show a comprehensive understanding of the company's legacy and its current direction.


6. Are you willing to relocate?

I am open to relocation if it aligns with the company's needs and offers growth opportunities for my career. While I'm flexible, I would appreciate discussing potential locations to ensure it's a good fit for both my personal circumstances and the company's requirements.

Generic Tips:

When answering relocation questions, be honest about your willingness to move and consider how it fits with your long-term goals. If you have preferences, communicate them clearly but remain flexible and open to discussions about potential locations.


7. Are you willing to work 24/7?

I understand the need for flexibility and am open to working different shifts, including nights and weekends if required. However, I would appreciate more details on how the 24/7 schedule is managed and what support is available to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Generic Tips:

When answering questions about working 24/7, seek clarification on what the schedule entails and consider how it fits with your ability to maintain balance. Express your willingness to be flexible, but also communicate the importance of understanding the company’s approach to shift management and employee support.


8. What were your thoughts before attending this interview?

Before attending this interview, I felt a mix of excitement and a bit of nervousness. I was excited about the opportunity to potentially work with a company that aligns with my career aspirations. To prepare, I researched the company, practiced common interview questions, and thought about how my skills and experiences could benefit the team. Although I had some pre-interview nerves, I’m confident in my preparation and eager to showcase my fit for the role.

Generic Tips:

When answering this question, be honest about your feelings and preparation. Show that you took the interview seriously by mentioning specific steps you took to prepare, and balance any nervousness with confidence in your abilities and enthusiasm for the opportunity.


9. Do you have any questions?

When asked if you have any questions, it’s important to show your interest in the role and the company by asking thoughtful questions. Here are some examples:

1."Can you tell me more about the team I would be working with and how this role fits within the team?"
2."What are the key priorities for the team over the next six months?"
3."How does the company support professional development and career growth?"
4."What do you enjoy most about working here?"
5."Can you describe the company culture and the type of people who tend to succeed here?"

Generic Tips:
Prepare a few questions in advance that show your interest in the role, team, and company culture. Focus on growth opportunities, how you can contribute to the team, and any aspects of the company that are important to you. This will demonstrate that you are thoughtful and engaged in the interview process.


10. Can you tell me about your family background ?

"I come from a supportive and hardworking family. My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. Seeing their dedication and commitment to their work has instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance. Our family has always focused on being resourceful and managing our finances wisely, which has taught me the importance of planning and resilience. These experiences have shaped my work ethic and determination, qualities that I believe will help me contribute positively to this role."

Generic Tips:

When discussing family-related questions, be honest and tactful, focusing on positive aspects of your background that have shaped your values and work ethic. Try to connect your experiences to the qualities needed for the job, and keep your response concise and relevant to the interview context.


11. Suppose after two years another company offers you a higher package, will you relocate to that company? If not, why?

I appreciate the question. While a higher salary is certainly appealing, I believe that job satisfaction, professional growth, and a positive work environment are equally important. My long-term goal is to develop my career in a company where I can contribute meaningfully and grow professionally. If I find those opportunities here, which I believe I will, I would be more inclined to stay and continue building my career with your company rather than move just for a higher salary. I am excited about the opportunities and growth prospects here and look forward to contributing to the company’s success.

Generic Tips:

When answering this question, focus on your long-term career goals and how they align with the company's vision. Highlight other motivating factors beyond salary, such as professional growth and company culture, and express your enthusiasm and commitment to the role. If considering other offers, be honest but diplomatic, emphasizing that salary is just one of many factors you would consider.


12. One Negative Thing About TCS

One area where TCS could improve is in the pace of innovation. As a large organization, it can sometimes be challenging to adopt new technologies and processes quickly due to the scale and complexity of operations. However, I’ve noticed that TCS is aware of this and has been making strides to embrace digital transformation and invest in innovation labs. I believe this focus on continuous improvement will help TCS stay competitive and agile in the rapidly changing tech landscape.

Generic Tips:

When addressing a negative aspect, be honest but tactful, ensuring your point is factual and constructive. Balance your answer by acknowledging the company's efforts to address the issue or how improvements could be made, showing that you understand the challenges and believe in the company’s potential for growth.


13. "Given your interest in our company, if you were offered a Ninja role, would you be comfortable with that? Can you elaborate on why you feel that way?"

"I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for the Ninja role at TCS. While I understand that the Ninja role may come with a lower starting salary, I am more focused on the long-term opportunities and growth that TCS can offer. I believe that starting in a versatile and challenging role like Ninja will allow me to develop a broad skill set, gain valuable experience, and prove my capabilities within the company. My goal is to contribute meaningfully from the outset and, over time, take advantage of TCS's commitment to employee development and career advancement. I’m confident that with hard work and dedication, I can progress within the company and achieve my professional goals."

Generic Tips:

When discussing a lower-paying role like Ninja, emphasize your focus on long-term growth and the opportunities for skill development. Highlight your commitment to contributing to the company and your confidence in advancing within the organization through hard work and dedication. Show that you value the experience and growth potential over the initial compensation.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ

What job roles are offered for TCS NQT?

TCS NQT offers a variety of roles, including software developer, system engineer, test engineer, and business process services roles.

Is the TCS NQT interview tough?

No, the difficulty of the TCS NQT interview can vary based on the role and your preparation.

How many interview rounds are there in the TCS NQT interview?

There are 3 (three) rounds in the TCS NQT interview process, which include a technical round, a managerial round, and an HR round.

How long is the TCS NQT interview?

Each TCS NQT interview round usually lasts between 30 to 45 minutes, but the total length can vary depending on the interviewer and the specific role.

What types of technical questions are frequently asked in TCS NQT interviews?

Technical questions often cover topics related to programming languages, data structures, algorithms, database management, networking, and sometimes domain-specific questions depending on the job role.

How should I prepare for my TCS NQT interview?

Focus on strengthening your core technical skills for the TCS NQT interview, practice common interview questions, understand the basics of software development and project management, and stay updated with the latest trends in technology.

What will be my salary if I pass the TCS NQT interview?

The salary for candidates who pass the TCS NQT are as follows: TCS Innovator offers ₹9-11 lakhs per annum, TCS Digital provides ₹7-7.5 lakhs per annum, TCS Ninja offers ₹3.3-3.6 lakhs per annum, and TCS Smart pays ₹2-2.5 lakhs per annum.

Can I join TCS with one backlog?

No, TCS generally requires all academic backlogs to be cleared before joining. You can apply with 1 active backlog, but clear it before joining TCS.

When can I expect my TCS interview results?

TCS NQT interview results can typically be expected within 1-3 weeks after the interview process is completed.

How many days does TCS take to give a joining letter?

The issuance of a TCS joining letter after clearing the interview can take anywhere from 1 to 3 months.