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Time and Work Formulas

Time and Work formulas help students manage complicated problems by guiding them in resolving them properly. Understanding Time and Work formulas boosts your chances of clearing placement exams.

Basic Formulas of Time and Work

The following are the formulas relevant to Time and Work questions:

S.No To Calculate Formulas


When two people are working on a task

Total time taken to complete the work = ((XY)/Y+X)


When three people are working on a task

Total time taken to complete the work = (XYZ)/ (XY + YZ + ZX)

Quick Tip: Do you know? You can learn Time and Work formulas quickly if you first understand the fundamental concepts of Time and Work.

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How do you benefit from learning Time and Work formulas?

One of the significant benefits of understanding Time and Work formulas is the capability to quickly and accurately address simple formula-based questions.

How to remember Time and Work formulas for a longer time?

Following are the techniques you can use to memorise Time and Work formulas:

  • For a start, you can start understanding the concepts of Time and Work. It will help you find out why a formula is used.

  • Keep a separate piece of paper and write down each formula on the Time and Work topic you need to memorise.

  • Write down and examine each Time and Work formula, but this time with intervals. Write the equation, then take a 2-minute break to think about it before writing it again.

  • Your memory is more likely to associate with the formula you want to remember if you use it more often. Solve the problems employing the formula.

  • Visualise and repeat out loud the formula occasionally. Create Time and Work formulas flashcards to help with this. You can also use these flashcards while practicing the Time and Work questions.

  • The formula should be written down and posted somewhere you will see daily. They'll be subconsciously imprinted into your memory.

How conceptual understanding of Time and Work topic helps in remembering its formulas?

Conceptual understanding will help you to make sense of the Time and Work formulas. Conceptual understanding is concentrated on describing why things happen as opposed to how to make them happen. They help you understand the true motive for employing the Time and Work formulas.

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