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Height & Distance Formulas

Height & distance problems in placement exams provide a major impediment to learners. The Height and Distance formulas are properly explained so that students can understand and easily solve problems.

Basic Formulas of Height & Distance

The following are the formulas relevant to Height & Distance questions:

S.No To Calculate Formulas


Angle of elevation or depression

sin0=heighthypotenusecos0=basehypotenusetan0=heightbasesin θ = Opposite/Hypotenuse = AB/A
cos θ = Adjacent/Hypotenuse = BC/AC
tan θ = Opposite/Adjacent = AB/BC


Pythagoras theorem


Quick Tip: Do you know? You can learn Height & Distance formulas quickly if you first understand the fundamental concepts of Height & Distance.

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How do you benefit from learning Height & Distance formulas?

One of the significant benefits of understanding Height & Distance formulas is the capability to quickly and accurately address simple formula-based questions.

How to remember Height & Distance formulas for a longer time?

Following are the techniques you can use to memorise Height & Distance formulas:

  • For a start, you can start understanding the concepts of Height & Distance. It will help you find out why a formula is used.

  • Keep a separate piece of paper and write down each formula on the Height & Distance topic you need to memorise.

  • Write down and examine each Height & Distance formula, but this time with intervals. Write the equation, then take a 2-minute break to think about it before writing it again.

  • Your memory is more likely to associate with the formula you want to remember if you use it more often. Solve the problems employing the formula.

  • Visualise and repeat out loud the formula occasionally. Create Height & Distance formulas flashcards to help with this. You can also use these flashcards while practicing the Height & Distance questions.

  • The formula should be written down and posted somewhere you will see daily. They'll be subconsciously imprinted into your memory.

How conceptual understanding of Height & Distance topic helps in remembering its formulas?

Conceptual understanding will help you to make sense of the Height & Distance formulas. Conceptual understanding is concentrated on describing why things happen as opposed to how to make them happen. They help you understand the true motive for employing the Height & Distance formulas.

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