11. Embed a countdown timer display using <time> with a JavaScript function to update it every second.
Required Input:
A countdown timer using the <time> element.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a countdown timer that updates every second.
Code In Html
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12. Design a toggle switch that changes from “On” to “Off” when clicked, using a checkbox and custom CSS.
Required Input:
A toggle switch with an on/off state.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a toggle switch that changes state when clicked.
Code In Html
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13. Create a simple pagination section with “Previous” and “Next” buttons, and display the current page number.
Required Input:
Pagination buttons with page number display.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays pagination with Previous and Next buttons that update the page number.
Code In Html
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14. Use <canvas> to draw a basic rectangle or line on the screen.
Required Input:
A canvas with a basic shape.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a rectangle or line drawn on a canvas.
Code In Html
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15. Add a floating “Back to Top” button that appears when the page is scrolled down, using inline CSS for positioning.
Required Input:
A floating “Back to Top” button.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a “Back to Top” button that appears when scrolled down.
Code In Html
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16. Implement an accordion with three items using inline CSS and <details> tags, with a custom icon for each item.
Required Input:
An accordion with three items.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays an accordion with custom icons for each item.
Code In Html
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17. Design a basic pricing table with three columns for "Basic," "Standard," and "Premium" plans, styled using inline CSS.
Required Input:
A pricing table with three columns.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a three-column pricing table with each plan name and description.
Code In Html
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18. Add a single-line input field with validation for a phone number in the format (123) 456-7890 using the pattern attribute.
Required Input:
A phone input field with validation.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays an input field that only accepts phone numbers in a specific format.
Code In Html
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19. Create a photo gallery with images that enlarge slightly when hovered, using inline CSS.
Required Input:
A photo gallery with hover effect.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a gallery of images that enlarge when hovered over.
Code In Html
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20. Implement a progress bar that fills up when a button is clicked, using the <progress> tag and JavaScript.
Required Input:
A progress bar with a button to fill it.
Expected Output:
The webpage displays a progress bar that fills up when the button is clicked.
Code In Html
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