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Analogy Concepts

Analogy concepts form the foundation of non-verbal reasoning and are essential for solving a wide range of cognitive and logical problems. Understanding the fundamental concepts of analogy is essential for students to excel in their placement examinations.

Understanding the Concepts of Analogy

An analogy, in the context of non-verbal communication, refers to the use of visual or symbolic representations to convey a similarity or relationship between two or more objects, ideas, or concepts.

It involves finding and understanding connections or patterns based on shared attributes or characteristics.

Analogies can be used to enhance comprehension, problem-solving, and creative thinking by drawing parallels between different domains and transferring knowledge from one context to another.

The following are the important analogy concepts:

1. Rotation of Figures

In this type of non-verbal analogy, the similarity between the first figures is established based on rotation, and the same rule is applied to the other two figures to find the missing figure.

The amount of rotation between the figures is determined, and then the remaining two figures (one from the question and one from the answer options) are checked to identify the correct figure.

For Example:

Which suitable figure will replace the question mark based on the figures given in the question?

rotation of figures example 1

In this question, Figure B is rotated 180° to the right of Figure A. Applying the same logic, Figure C should be rotated by 180°. Among the options, rotating Figure C by 180° results in the figure given in option 2.

Correct answer is Option 2.

For Example:

Establish the similar relationship between C and D as the one given in Figures A and B.

rotation of figures example 2

In Figure A, neither side is shaded, while the left side of Figure B is shaded black. Similarly, Figure C is not shaded at all, and the upper portion of Figure D should be shaded.

Correct answer is Figure 5.

2. Reflection of Figures

In this concept of non-verbal analogy, the relationship between figures is based on reflection or mirroring.

The first set of figures serves as a reference, and the same reflection pattern is applied to the other two figures to find the missing figure.

By observing how the figures are mirrored or reflected, one can identify the correct answer.

For Example:

Which figure completes the analogy based on the given figures?

reflection of figures example

In this question, Figure A is reflected vertically to obtain Figure B. Applying the same reflection pattern, Figure C should be reflected vertically as well. Among the options, reflecting Figure C vertically results in the figure given in option 3.

Correct answer is Option 3.

3. Series Progression

In this concept of non-verbal analogy, the figures form a series or sequence, and the relationship between them follows a specific pattern or progression.

By analyzing the pattern or progression in the first set of figures, one can identify the missing figure by applying the same rule to the remaining figures.

For Example:

Find the missing figure based on the given series:

series progression example

In this series, the number of dots in each figure increases by one from left to right. Following this progression, the missing figure should have five dots. Among the options, only option 4 has five dots.

Correct answer is Option 4.

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Why is understanding the concepts of analogy important?

Understanding the concepts of analogy assists in:

  • Addressing the analogy questions quickly and accurately.

  • Solving different types of questions on analogy topic.

Is it possible to solve analogy problems without knowing the concepts?

Yes, it's possible to solve analogy questions without understanding the concepts. However, experts advise that understanding the fundamentals is essential to address the analogy questions quickly and accurately in the examinations.

What is the right way to learn analogy concepts?

The key to mastering analogy concepts in non-verbal reasoning is to develop a solid understanding of the fundamental principles. Practice solving analogy problems regularly to reinforce your understanding and improve your problem-solving skills.

With consistent effort and a strong grasp of the underlying concepts, you'll be well-equipped to address analogy questions in the non-verbal reasoning section in placement exams.

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