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Analyzing Arguments Questions & Answers

Learn how to solve analyzing arguments questions effectively with comprehensive solutions. Practice a wide range of analyzing arguments questions and answers to enhance your understanding in analyzing arguments concepts.


Q1 According to one New York publisher, 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States seek an anthology of William Shakespeare's complete works. What accounts for this resurgence of Shakespeare's popularity? His psychological insights into both male and female characteristics are still astonishing today, according to experts. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


Today's fictional characters are less engaging than Shakespeare's characters


Shakespeare's work continues to pique people's interest because of the characters


An anthology of Shakespeare's works is being compiled by academics


New Yorkers are rekindling their enthusiasm in Shakespeare's work


Q2 Consumers are in the mood to spend after one of the hottest winters on record. Spending is expected to be at its highest level in thirteen years. Existing single-family home sales reached a new high of 4.75 million in February, setting an annual record. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


In thirteen years, consumer spending will be more than it is now


In February, more Americans purchase homes than in any other month


Single-family home prices are at their lowest during the winter months


warm winter weather is likely to affect the rate of home sales


Q3 People born between 1965 and 1981 are known as Generation Xers. Generation Xers are more challenged as employees when they can do things on their own. As a result, Generation Xers are the most entrepreneurial generation ever. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that Generation Xers


work harder than people from other generations


have a tendency to be self-directed workers


have an interest in making history


tend to work in jobs that require risk-taking behavior


like to challenge their bosses work attitudes.


Q4 There's no need to commute to a health club if you're a fitness walker. Your community can serve as a fitness center. You also don't need much in the way of sophisticated equipment to get solid exercise. All you need are some well-made athletic shoes. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


Walking for fitness is a better kind of exercise than lifting weights


A fitness club membership is a bad investment


Walking outside delivers a more effective workout than walking inside


Walking for fitness is a practical and beneficial kind of exercise


Q5 Consumers would rarely stroll into an ice cream shop and order low-fat ice cream in the past. Today, however, this is not the case. Low-fat ice cream has become a very profitable item for ice cream store owners due to rising health consciousness and a lot larger assortment of delectable low-fat items in all categories. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


Low-fat ice cream generates more revenue than low-fat items in general


It would be preferable if ice cream shops just sold low-fat ice cream


Low-fat ice cream is no longer considered a niche product by ice cream shop operators


Other types of ice cream are less popular than low-fat ice cream


Q6 Today's high school students spend far too much time on frivolous and distracting topics like fashion. Furthermore, they frequently wear unsuitable clothing on school premises. Rather than establishing another lengthy dress code, we should require students to wear school uniforms. Uniforms would enhance a sense of community and harmony in our schools and instil a sense of discipline in our children if they were obliged to wear them. Another benefit would be that instructors and administrators would no longer be required to act as dress police, allowing them to concentrate on other essential concerns. This paragraph perfectly exemplifies the claim that


Failing grades are caused by incorrect clothes


Students who wear school uniforms are more likely to be accepted into better colleges


At least 25% of the time, instructors and administrators are enforcing the clothing code


High school pupils should be required to wear school uniforms


Q7 The criminal justice system should be overhauled. If victims were given the opportunity to confront the individual who had wronged them, the system would be more just. Mediation between victims and their perpetrators would also provide perpetrators the opportunity to apologize for the pain they have caused. This paragraph perfectly exemplifies the concept that crime victims should


learn to forgive their offenders


have the right to confront their offenders


learn the art of mediation


insist that their offenders be punished


have the right to impose a sentence on their offenders.


Q8 A few states in the United States are exploring laws prohibiting the use of calculators in classrooms before the sixth grade. Other states have taken a different stance. Some states mandate the purchase of graphing calculators for all middle school students. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that in this country


When it comes to the usage of calculators in classrooms, there are at least two points of view


Calculators are frequently a hindrance to math learning


More than ever before, state legislators are involved in education


The idea that calculators should not be used in schools is erroneous


The argument against calculators in schools is unfounded


Q9 A new set of societal values has emerged in today's workforce. A manager granted a promotion in a distant place ten years ago would not have questioned the move. In the same situation today, a manager might choose family happiness over job advancement. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


The majority of executives are disloyal to the companies for which they work


Today's firms are oblivious to the requirements of their employees


Over the last ten years, employee social values have shifted


For today's business executives, advancement is unimportant


Q10 It is common knowledge that the world urgently requires appropriate food distribution to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. It's just as important to have an adequate supply of drugs. Medical expertise and materials must be spread around the world so that individuals in developing countries can receive adequate medical treatment. This paragraph provides the strongest evidence for the claim that


The vast majority of people on the planet have never seen a doctor


Food production in developing countries has slowed in recent years


The medical supply industry should increase product output


Many people in developing countries do not have access to adequate medical care

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Practice Analyzing Arguments Questions & Answers

To better their understanding of analyzing arguments concepts and enhance their ability to answer questions quickly and accurately, candidates should engage in regular practice of analyzing arguments topic.

Importance : Low

Difficulty level: 3 out of 5 (Normal)

Examination: SSC, Banking, GMAT, GRE, SAT, CAT, etc.

Parent section: Logical Reasoning

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