Q1 Five friends U V W X and Y are standing according to their height in a line facing the same direction, however, not in the same order
1. V is shorter than W but taller than U
2. Y is neither the tallest nor the shortest
3. X is shorter than U and W
4. Y is shorter than W and taller than V
Which of these can be deduced from the given information? (Choose two correct solutions)
A. U is the shortest in the group
B. U is the tallest in the group
C. W is the tallest in the group
D.W is the shortest in the group
E.U is the second shortest in the group
A & B only
C & E only
A & E only
C & D only
Q2 During the first day of school, five siblings, A, B, C, D, and E meet during the lunch break to discuss the houses and games they would be part of during the current school year.They are part of the Blue,Black,Yellow, White, Green houses and playing Chess, Football, Tennis, Rugby and Shotput, not particularly in the same order.
The following information has been known
- A is part of the Chess team but not part of the Black house
- C is part of the White house.
- The sibling who is part of the Tennis team is also part of the Green house
- Neither D nor 8 are a part of the Rugby team
- B is part of the Blue house
- E is part of the Shot Put team
Analyse the above given date and answer the following question
Which house is the sibling who plays Rugby a part of
Yellow house
Blue house
White house
Black house
Q3 ABCDE and F are sitting on a table in a row
- E and F are in the centre of the table
- A and B are at the ends of the table
- C is sitting to the left of A
Which of these can be concluded from the given information?
C is sitting on the right side of B
E is sitting on the right side of B
D is sitting on the right side of B
F is sitting on the right side of B
Q4 A shoe store owner decides to offer clearance sales to customers in order to sell all the older items in the store. He decides to offer a combo of running shoes and a pair of socks for 2000 rupees .Which of these statements would be sufficient to determine the cost of the socks?
Statement 1: The price of a pair of socks is 1/3 the price of the shoes if the price of the socks is half of its original price.
Statement 2: The cost of one pair of shoes and three pairs of socks is 3600.
EACH statement ALONE is sufficient
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient
None of the statements are sufficient
Statement II ALONE is sufficient, but Statement I ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question
Q5 A train travels at a speed of 100 km/hr. Which of the following statements would be sufficient to determine the time taken by the train to cross a platform B
Statement I: Length of the train is 500 metres.
Statement II: Length of platform B is 1 km.
EACH statement ALONE is sufficient
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient
Statement II ALONE is sufficient, but Statement I ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question
Statement I ALONE is sufficient, but Statement II ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question
Q6 During the first day of school, five siblings, A, B, C, D, and E meet during the lunch break to discuss the houses and games they would be part of during the current school year.They are part of the Blue,Black,Yellow, White, Green houses and playing Chess, Football, Tennis, Rugby and Shotput, not particularly in the same order.
The following information has been known
- A is part of the Chess team but not part of the Black house
- C is part of the White house.
- The sibling who is part of the Tennis team is also part of the Green house
- Neither D nor 8 are a part of the Rugby team
- B is part of the Blue house
- E is part of the Shot Put team
Analyse the above given date and answer the following question
Who is part of the Green house and also plays Tennis?
Q7 Two siblings, A and B were given equal amounts of money to spend. Which of the given statements is sufficient to determine the money left with A?
Statement I: B bought juice and paid for it with some money given by A. Now, A has half as much money as B.
Statement II: The shopkeeper at the juice shop returned $20 when B gave him the $50 note.
None of the statements are sufficient
Statement I and Statement II TOGETHER are sufficient to answer
Statement II is ALONE sufficient to answer
Statement I is ALONE sufficient to answer
Q8 During the first day of school, five siblings, A, B, C, D, and E meet during the lunch break to discuss the houses and games they would be part of during the current school year.They are part of the Blue,Black,Yellow, White, Green houses and playing Chess, Football, Tennis, Rugby and Shotput, not particularly in the same order.
The following information has been known
- A is part of the Chess team but not part of the Black house
- C is part of the White house.
- The sibling who is part of the Tennis team is also part of the Green house
- Neither D nor 8 are a part of the Rugby team
- B is part of the Blue house
- E is part of the Shot Put team
Analyse the above given date and answer the following question
Who is part of the Blue house?
Q9 Gini is a singer who is struggling to find out the note sequence of a song. There are four notes in the song namely A, B, C and D. Which of the following statements is sufficient for her to determine the correct sequence of notes?
Statement 1: C comes just after D, which is not the first note in the sequence.
Statement II: B comes just before A which comes just before D.
Statement I Is ALONE sufficient
Statement II is ALONE sufficient
Statement I and Statement II TOGETHER are sufficient
None of the statements are sufficient
Q10 Which of these statements is sufficient to determine the age of Minnie in 2030?
Statement I:
When Minnie was born her mother was 26 years old, who is 4 years younger than Minnie's father.
Statement II: Minnie's father was born in the first leap year that came after 1954.
EACH statement ALONE is sufficient
Statement 1 ALONE is sufficient, but Statement II ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question
BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient to answer, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient
Statement II ALONE is sufficient, but Statement I ALONE is not sufficient to answer the question
Q11 Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the same row facing North, however, not in the same order.
1. F is sitting exactly between A and D.
2. E is sitting at the extreme right
3. A is sitting three places to the left of C
4. B is sitting exactly to the right of C
Which of these can be deduced from the given information? .
The six friends are sitting from left to right in the following manner: A,F, D, C, B, E.
The six friends are sitting from left to right in the following manner D, F, A,C, B, E.
The six friends are left to right in the following manner A, F, C, B, D, E.
The six friends are sitting from left to right in the following manner E, B, C, D, F,
Q12 What can be used in place at X to complete the below given series?
236, 230, X, 201, 174, 136
Q13 A woman named Jill has only two children. Jill is the mother of Billy who is the brother of Kate .Joe is the grandfather of Amy who is the daughter of Sunny. If Kate is the daughter of Joe then how is Billy related to Sunny?
Sunny is Billy's husband.
Sunny is Billy's wife.
Sunny is Billy's sister-in-law
Sunny is Billy's brother-in-law
Q14 During a school fair, a certain number of shops are allowed to sell their items. A candy floss seller is at the 10th position from the left and a popcorn seller is 18th position from the right. The two sellers decide to interchange their positions such that the candy floss seller is at the 16th position from the left. What will the popcorn seller's new position be in the given scenario?
Q15 In a row of 30 people during a vaccination drive, the position of Keith from the right side is 12.What is Keith's position from the left side of the same row?
Q16 A certain number of soldiers went to war and 15% of the soldiers died in the war. 5% of the remaining soldiers left the battlefield out of fear. If the number of soldiers has now reduced to 3553 then how many soldiers initially went to war?
Q17 Bob went to the market to buy some swiss cheese. He bought some cheese worth Rs 250 out of which 5 rupees were spent as sales tax.What is the cost of tax-free items if the tax rate is 10%? Note: Choose the option that coincides to the nearest integer
Rs. 190
Rs. 200
Rs. 195
Rs. 205
Q18 What will be the 4th number in the series of numbers given below?
343, 729, 1331,?
Q19 A bus driver crossed a flyover with his bus in 30 sec. The bus is 130 metres in length and moving at a speed of 43 kmph. Analyse the given scenario and complete the below given sentence. The flyover on which the bus driver is driving is…..long
245 meters
355 meters
228 meters
305 metres
Q20 A computer mouse testing lab tests two kinds of mouse M1 and M2 It is given that 12% of the total mouse were found to be defective and 80% of the non-defective mice were of type M1. How many M1 mice in total were tested as non defective in the lab if around 5600 non defective mice were of type M2?
Note: Choose the option that coincides to the nearest integer
Q21 A set of cards numbered from 5 to 40 are mixed up and then a card is chosen at random. What is the probability that the card chosen has a number which is a multiple of 4?
Q22 If a man is given 5 numerical digits and 4 alphabets, how many alphanumeric words can be formed using exactly 2 digits and 3 alphabets?
Q23 The number of votes not cast for the PNC Party increased by 25% in the National General Election over those not cast for it in the previous Assembly Polls, and the PNC Party lost by a majority twice as large as that by which it had won the Assembly Polls. If a total of 2,60,000 people voted each time, how many voted for the PNC Party in the previous Assembly Polls?
Q24 A truck covers a distance of 376 km at a certain speed in 8 hours. How much time would a car take at an average speed which is 18 kmph more than that of the speed of the truck to cover a distance which is 14 km more than that travelled by truck?
6 hours
5 hours
7 hours
8 hours
Q25 Two cars namely A and B start simultaneously from a certain place at the speed of 40 kmph and 55 kmph, respectively. Car B reaches the destination 2 hours earlier than A. What is the time taken by A to reach the destination?
8 hours 12 minutes
6 hours 15 minutes
7 hours 20 minutes
7 hours 12 minutes
Q26 The given sentence is grammatically incorrect
Online classes is very hectic for both teachers as well as students
Which of these choices is the grammatically correct alternative for the same?
Online class are very hectic for both teachers as well as students.
Online classes are very hectic for both teachers as well as students.
Online classes is very hectic for both teacher as well as student.
Online class are very hectic for both teachers as well as students.
Q27 Which of these words has a similar meaning to the word 'reluctantly' in the given sentence?
I reluctantly agreed to his terms, knowing that I had little choice in the matter
Q28 The given sentence is grammatically incorrect.
I think it's time for us to coming to an agreement
Which of these choices is the grammatically correct alternative for the same?
I think it's time for us for us to come to by agreement.
I think it's time for us to coming to an agreement.
I thinking it's time for us to come to an agreement.
I think it's time for us to come to an agreement.
Q29 Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word
Last year, the economy …………by a whopping 6%. It's going to be a rough couple of years ahead
Q30 Complete the Sentence following with the most appropriate words.
As a……he……a large responsibility
shoulder, soldier
soldier, shouldering
shoulder, soldiered.
soldier, shouldered.