Q31 Change the voice in the following sentence:
What do you usually purchase from this store?
What do you purchase from this store?
What is usually purchased by you from this store?
Is this store usually purchased by you?
Are the purchases usually done by you from this store?
Q32 Identify the grammatically correct sentence from the options given.
Mr. Smith was really annoy with the crows; they was a nuisance!
Mr. Smith was really annoyed with the crows; they were a nuisance!
Mr. Smith was really annoyed with the crows who was a nuisance!
Mr. Smith was really annoy with the nuisance crows!
Q33 Identify the grammatically correct sentence from the options given.
Susan is a selenophile, which explains why a lot of her writing is about the moon.
Susan is selenophile, which explains why a lot of her writing is about the moon.
Susan is selenophile, which explain why a lot of her writing is about the moon.
Susan is a selenophile, which explain why a lot of her writing is about the moon.
Q34 Identify the grammatically correct sentence from the options given.
If he thinks his phony blather and supercilious behavior will make him go to place, he is highly mistaken.
If he thinks his phony blather and supercilious behavior will make him go places, he is highly mistaken.
If he think his phony blather and supercilious behavior will make him go place, he is highly mistake
If his opinions that his phony blather and supercilious behavior will make him go