Understanding the Concepts of Tabulation
Tabulation or a table chart is an easy way of organizing complex or large volumes of data across multiple categories or types and representing them together to draw valuable conclusions from them.
A table represents even a large amount of data in an engaging, easy to read, and coordinated manner. A table chart uses a set of data arranged in rows and columns.
The following are the important table charts concepts:
1. Speed Maths
Quicker calculation techniques are the key to solving any data interpretation question faster. A quick calculation can be mastered by working on 2 things:
1.1 Memory Based
There are a few things we need to know by heart to do the calculations faster, ex - Squares of numbers from 1 to 40, 20 x 20 multiplication table, etc.
For Example:
Squares of numbers from 1 to 40, 20 x 20 multiplication table, cubes of numbers from 1-12, powers of numbers from 21 to 212, etc.
1.2 Calculation Based Shortcuts
Few speed math techniques can be learned to perform calculations faster.
For Example:
2 x 2 multiplication, finding squares of numbers, finding square roots quickly, etc.
2. Averages
There are a few average-based questions asked in most of the tabulation sets, solve this effectively by adding the numbers and dividing them, and quick calculation of averages using approximation techniques will definitely help.
3. Percentages
There are specific percentage based questions asked in most of the tabulation sets, like 'what percentage of A is B', 'A% of B,' or 'percentage change'. To solve this effectively we need to be very good at calculating percentages.
4. Ratios
Some of the questions from the tabulation question sets are based on ratios. These can be easily solved using approximation techniques, divisibility tests, and a basic foundational understanding of ratios. Percentage concepts will also be a great help in solving tabulation question sets.
Why is understanding the concepts of tabulation important?
Understanding the concepts of tabulation assists in:
Understanding how tabulation formulas are derived.
Addressing the tabulation problems promptly and accurately.
Resolving each of the various forms of questions on tabulation topic.
Is it possible to solve tabulation problems without knowing the concepts?
Yes, it's possible to solve tabulation questions without understanding what they entail. However, experts advise that comprehending the fundamentals is essential to address the tabulation problems effectively.
What is the right way to learn tabulation concepts?
The foundation of mathematics is concepts, and understanding them is critical to boosting your performance in the data interpretation section. Visualising the tabulation concepts using real-life examples is the best approach to learn the tabulation concepts.