August 9, 2024

Best Blockchain Frameworks You Should Know

Best Blockchain Frameworks You Should Know

Blockchain frameworks are essential tools for developers. They provide a structured foundation to build secure and scalable decentralized applications.

This blog will explore a blockchain framework list and highlight the unique features of the best blockchain frameworks and libraries.
If you’re looking for blockchain frameworks for beginners or aiming to conduct a comparison of blockchain frameworks, this guide has you covered.

Top Blockchain Frameworks for Developers – Overview

Here’s an overview of the top 10 frameworks for developing blockchain technology:

S.No.Framework NameKey FeaturesEase of IntegrationDownload Link
1Web3.jsEthereum Node Interaction, Smart Contract IntegrationEasyDownload
2Ethers.jsEthereum Node Interaction, Comprehensive Wallet ManagementEasyDownload
3TruffleSmart Contract Compilation, Automated TestingMediumDownload
4Web3.pyEthereum Node Interaction, Smart Contract HandlingEasyDownload
5BrownieSmart Contract Testing, Automated DeploymentMediumDownload
6Go-Ethereum (Geth)Full Node Implementation, Smart Contract ExecutionMediumDownload
7Web3jEthereum Node Interaction, Smart Contract IntegrationEasyDownload
8Hyperledger Fabric SDK for JavaSmart Contract Interaction, Blockchain Data HandlingMediumDownload
9Py-EVMEVM Implementation, Smart Contract TestingMediumDownload
10Fabric SDK GoSmart Contract Interaction, Blockchain Data HandlingMediumDownload

Most Popular Blockchain Frameworks You Should Know

Below are the 10 popular blockchain frameworks you should know:

1. Web3.js

Web3.js is a collection of libraries. It allows you to interact with a local or remote Ethereum node using HTTP, IPC, or WebSocket.


  • Widely used in Ethereum development.
  • Strong community support.
  • Extensive documentation and examples.

Key Features:

  • Ethereum node interaction
  • Smart contract integration
  • Utility functions for various Ethereum tasks

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: Efficient for Ethereum-based operations


  • Works with Ethereum nodes.
  • Integrates with multiple Ethereum wallets.

Ease of Integration: Easy

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • DApp development
  • Smart contract management
  • Blockchain data retrieval

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in Ethereum projects.
  • Used by major blockchain development firms.

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2. Ethers.js

Ethers.js is a lightweight library. It is used for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and its ecosystem.


  • Popular for its simplicity and lightweight nature.
  • Strong community support.
  • Well-documented.

Key Features:

  • Ethereum node interaction
  • Smart contract utilities
  • Comprehensive wallet management

Learning Curve: Easy

Performance: High performance with efficient operations


  • Works with Ethereum nodes.
  • Integrates with various Ethereum wallets and tools.

Ease of Integration: Easy

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • dApp development
  • Smart contract interaction
  • Blockchain data handling

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in Ethereum projects.
  • Preferred for lightweight applications.

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3. Truffle

Truffle is Ethereum’s development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline.

It is a popular choice among Ethereum developers.


  • Widely adopted in the Ethereum community.
  • Extensive user base and community support.
  • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials.

Key Features:

  • Smart contract compilation and deployment
  • Automated testing
  • Scriptable deployment and migrations

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: Efficient for managing Ethereum projects


  • Works with Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Integrates with Ganache and other development tools.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • DApp development
  • Smart contract testing and deployment
  • Ethereum project management

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand for Ethereum development.
  • Used by blockchain startups and enterprises.

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4. is a Python library for interacting with Ethereum. It provides tools to work with Ethereum nodes over HTTP, IPC, or WebSocket.


  • Popular in Python-based Ethereum development.
  • Strong community and corporate support.
  • Extensive documentation and resources.

Key Features:

  • Ethereum node interaction
  • Smart contract handling
  • Comprehensive utility functions

Learning Curve: Easy

Performance: Efficient for Python-based Ethereum operations


  • Works with Ethereum nodes.
  • Integrates with various Ethereum wallets and tools.

Ease of Integration: Easy

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • DApp development
  • Blockchain data retrieval
  • Smart contract interaction

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in Python-based Ethereum projects.
  • Used by blockchain developers and data scientists.

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5. Brownie

Brownie is a Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts. It is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).


  • Gaining popularity in the Ethereum community.
  • Strong support from developers.
  • Well-documented.

Key Features:

  • Smart contract testing
  • Automated deployment
  • Comprehensive debugging tools

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: High performance with efficient testing and deployment


  • Works with Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Integrates with various Python libraries.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • Smart contract development and testing
  • DApp deployment
  • Ethereum project management

Job Market Demand:

  • Increasing demand for Python-based blockchain projects.
  • Preferred for thorough testing and deployment.

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6. Go-Ethereum (Geth)

Go-Ethereum (Geth) is an official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol. It provides tools for running an Ethereum node.


  • Widely used in Ethereum infrastructure.
  • Strong community and enterprise support.
  • Comprehensive documentation.

Key Features:

  • Full node implementation
  • Smart contract execution
  • Blockchain data storage

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: High performance for running Ethereum nodes


  • Works with Ethereum.
  • Integrates with various blockchain tools.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • Running Ethereum nodes
  • Smart contract execution
  • Blockchain infrastructure

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand for blockchain infrastructure roles.
  • Used by enterprises and startups.

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7. Web3j

Web3j is a lightweight Java library. It integrates with nodes on the Ethereum blockchain.


  • Popular in Java-based blockchain development.
  • Strong community support.
  • Well-documented.

Key Features:

  • Ethereum node interaction
  • Smart contract integration
  • Comprehensive utility functions

Learning Curve: Easy

Performance: Efficient for Java-based Ethereum operations


  • Works with Ethereum nodes.
  • Integrates with various Java tools.

Ease of Integration: Easy

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • DApp development
  • Blockchain data handling
  • Smart contract interaction

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in Java-based blockchain projects.
  • Used by blockchain developers and enterprises.

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8. Hyperledger Fabric SDK for Java

The Hyperledger Fabric is an SDK for Java. It provides tools for building applications that interact with Hyperledger Fabric blockchains.


  • Widely used in enterprise blockchain projects.
  • Strong support from the Hyperledger community.
  • Extensive documentation.

Key Features:

  • Smart contract interaction
  • Blockchain data handling
  • Network configuration

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: High performance for enterprise blockchain applications


  • Works with Hyperledger Fabric.
  • Integrates with various Java tools.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • Enterprise blockchain applications
  • Supply chain management
  • Financial services

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in enterprise blockchain roles.
  • Used by major corporations and startups.

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9. Py-EVM

Py-EVM is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implementation in Python. It is used for testing and development purposes.


  • Used in Python-based Ethereum projects.
  • Strong community support.
  • Well-documented.

Key Features:

  • EVM implementation
  • Smart contract testing
  • Blockchain data handling

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: Efficient for Python-based EVM operations


  • Works with Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Integrates with various Python tools.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • Smart contract testing
  • Blockchain development
  • Ethereum infrastructure

Job Market Demand:

  • Growing demand in Python-based blockchain projects.
  • Used by developers and researchers.

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10. Fabric SDK Go

The Fabric SDK Go provides tools for building Web3 applications. It interacts with Hyperledger Fabric blockchains.


  • Widely used in enterprise blockchain projects.
  • Strong support from the Hyperledger community.
  • Extensive documentation.

Key Features:

  • Smart contract interaction
  • Blockchain data handling
  • Network configuration

Learning Curve: Medium

Performance: High performance for enterprise blockchain applications


  • Works with Hyperledger Fabric.
  • Integrates with various Go tools.

Ease of Integration: Medium

Use Cases and Industry Adoption:

  • Enterprise blockchain applications
  • Supply chain management
  • Financial services

Job Market Demand:

  • High demand in enterprise blockchain roles.
  • Used by major corporations and startups.

Download Now

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best blockchain frameworks to use in 2024?

The best blockchain frameworks to use in 2024 are:

  • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Corda
  • Quorum
  • Polkadot

2. What key features should I look for in a blockchain framework?

Key features to look for in a blockchain framework include scalability, security, interoperability, and strong community support.

3. Which blockchain frameworks are easiest to learn for beginners?

Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric are the easiest blockchain frameworks to learn for beginners.

4. What are the common use cases for different blockchain frameworks?

Common use cases include smart contracts (Ethereum), enterprise solutions (Hyperledger Fabric), and financial services (Corda).

5. What are some lightweight blockchain frameworks for rapid application development?

Some lightweight blockchain frameworks for rapid application development are Lisk, EOSIO, and Tezos.

6. Which blockchain frameworks are used by top companies?

Top companies use Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Quorum for their blockchain projects.

7. What is the job market demand for skills related to blockchain frameworks?

There is a high demand for skills related to Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda in the blockchain development industry.

Final Words

For beginners, starting with the recommended blockchain frameworks in this blog can ease the learning curve.

Mastering the top 10 blockchain frameworks will equip you with the knowledge and tools to build secure and scalable decentralized applications.

Explore More Blockchain Resources

Explore More Frameworks



Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education


Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education
