March 23, 2024

Best Angular Project Ideas for Beginners

Best Angular Project Ideas for Beginners

Are you starting your journey in web development and looking to learn Angular? Wondering what Angular projects for beginners might look like, and how you can build something impressive, even as a beginner?

Angular is a powerful and versatile framework that provides a vast playground for developers at all levels.

In this article, let us see some of the best Angular project ideas that not only enhance your skills but also come with source code.

12 Beginner-Friendly Angular Project Ideas – Overview

Here’s an overview of the 12 best Angular JS projects for beginners:

S.No.Project TitleComplexityEstimated TimeSource Code
1To-Do List AppEasy10 hoursView Code
2Weather AppEasy10 hoursView Code
3Currency Converter AppEasy12 hoursView Code
4Note-Taking AppMedium12 hoursView Code
5Blog AppMedium12 hoursView Code
6URL ShortenerMedium15 hoursView Code
7A Simple CRM SystemMedium18 hoursView Code
8Admin PanelMedium20 hoursView Code
9Chat ApplicationMedium20 hoursView Code
10Music Player AppMedium20 hoursView Code
11E-Commerce Product List with FiltersMedium22 hoursView Code
12Simple Finance DashboardMedium22 hoursView Code

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Top 12 Angular Projects for Beginners

Below are the top 12 simple Angular projects for beginners:

1. To-Do List App

to do list

This project involves creating a basic to-do list application using Angular, where users can add, delete, and mark tasks as completed.

You will learn fundamental Angular concepts like components, modules, and data binding.

Duration: 10 hours

Project Complexity: Easy

Learning Outcome: Understanding of components, modules, data binding, and event handling in Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with TypeScript
  • Understanding of the MVC architecture

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Text Editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)

Real-World Application:

  • Enhances personal productivity and task management.
  • Serves as a foundation for more complex project management tools.

Get Started

2. Weather App

weather app

This is one of the easiest Angular mini projects which is about creating a weather application using Angular, which fetches and displays weather data from a public API based on user input.

It teaches handling HTTP client requests and integrating external APIs in Angular applications.

Duration: 10 hours

Project Complexity: Easy

Learning Outcome: Understanding of HTTP client module, API integration, and asynchronous programming in Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic knowledge of Angular and TypeScript
  • Understanding of APIs and JSON
  • Experience with asynchronous programming (Promises, Observables)

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • A weather API key (e.g., OpenWeatherMap API)
  • Text Editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Node.js and npm

Real-World Application:

  • Useful for integrating weather data into websites or applications.
  • Can be expanded into a full-fledged application with forecasts, alerts, and geographical features.

Get Started

3. Currency Converter App

currency converter

This project involves developing a currency converter app using Angular that allows users to convert amounts between different currencies using real-time exchange rates.

You will delve into Angular’s HttpClient module to fetch live currency data from an API.

Duration: 12 hours

Project Complexity: Easy

Learning Outcome: Understanding of HTTP communication, handling asynchronous data, and integrating external APIs in Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Understanding of TypeScript and Angular basics
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs and async operations

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code or similar)
  • Access to a currency exchange rate API (e.g.,, Open Exchange Rates)

Real-World Application:

  • Useful tool for travelers and those dealing with foreign transactions.
  • Foundation for financial and e-commerce applications dealing with multiple currencies.

Get Started

4. Note-Taking App

note taking app

This project focuses on creating a note-taking app using Angular, allowing users to create, edit, delete, and categorize notes.

It introduces you to complex state management and persistent storage in Angular.

Duration: 12 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Understanding of state management, persistent storage using local storage or a backend, and advanced Angular forms.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with Angular framework and TypeScript
  • Understanding of CRUD operations

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Text Editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Optional: Backend server or Firebase for storage (if not using local storage)

Real-World Application:

  • Helps in personal organization and productivity.
  • Can be extended into a comprehensive project or task management tool.

Get Started

5. Blog App

blog app

This project entails building a blog application using Angular, where users can read, post, edit, and delete blog articles.

It will introduce you to routing, service creation, and the use of Angular forms.

Duration: 12 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Mastery of Angular routing, services, forms, and understanding how to manage application state.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in TypeScript and fundamental Angular concepts
  • Familiarity with RESTful services and API interactions

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code or similar)
  • Backend API for handling blog data (could be a simple Node.js server or a cloud function)

Real-World Application:

  • Digital platform for sharing knowledge and insights.
  • Basis for content management systems and personal portfolio websites.

Get Started

6. URL Shortener

url shortener

This project is about creating a URL shortener application using Angular, where users can input a long URL and receive a shortened version of it.

It teaches handling forms, communicating with a backend server, and displaying results dynamically.

Duration: 15 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Understanding of Angular forms, HttpClient for backend communication, and dynamic data presentation in Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with Angular framework and TypeScript
  • Understanding of RESTful API interactions

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Text Editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Backend server or cloud function to handle URL shortening logic

Real-World Application:

  • Useful in making links more manageable and tracking link engagement.
  • Can be integrated into marketing and social media tools for better analytics.

Get Started

7. A Simple CRM System

simple crm system

This project involves building a simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system using Angular, where users can add, view, edit, and delete customer records.

It covers complex data management, form handling, and user authentication.

Duration: 18 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Deep understanding of Angular services for state management, Angular forms for data handling, and implementing authentication for user management.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Good grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in TypeScript and Angular fundamentals
  • Familiarity with CRUD operations and basic understanding of user authentication mechanisms

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code or similar)
  • Backend API for storing and managing customer data (Firebase can be a good start)

Real-World Application:

  • Helps businesses manage and analyze customer interactions and data.
  • Foundation for developing more comprehensive business management tools.

Get Started

8. Admin Panel

admin panel

This project is about creating an admin panel using Angular, designed for web administrators to manage users, posts, and site settings.

It emphasizes on advanced user interfaces, role-based access control, and interaction with a backend for data management.

Duration: 20 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Mastery of dynamic user interface creation, implementing role-based access control (RBAC) in Angular, and managing application state and user sessions.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in Angular and TypeScript
  • Knowledge of authentication and authorization, along with API communication

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Visual Studio Code or any preferred IDE
  • Backend server (e.g., Node.js with Express for handling API requests, authentication, and authorization)

Real-World Application:

  • Centralized control panel for website administrators to manage site content and user access.
  • Can be tailored for various applications, including e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and enterprise dashboards.

Get Started

9. Chat Application

chat application

This project focuses on creating a chat application using Angular, facilitating real-time communication between users.

It introduces you to WebSocket integration for real-time messaging and Angular services for managing chat states and user sessions.

Duration: 20 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Understanding of real-time web technologies like WebSockets, managing user sessions, and implementing a responsive UI with Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Understanding of Angular and TypeScript basics
  • Familiarity with asynchronous programming and WebSockets

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Text Editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • WebSocket library or framework (e.g., Socket.IO) for real-time communication

Real-World Application:

  • Enhances online collaboration and social interaction.
  • Foundation for building complex real-time systems such as customer support tools and collaborative platforms.

Get Started

10. Music Player App

music player application

This project involves building a music player app using Angular, enabling users to play, pause, skip, and upload music files.

It will introduce you to handling media files, creating custom components, and managing playlists within Angular.

Duration: 20 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Mastery of file handling in Angular, creating custom Angular components for media control, and managing the application state for playlists and playback status.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in TypeScript and Angular fundamentals
  • Familiarity with handling media playback in web applications

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code or similar)
  • Sample audio files for testing and development

Real-World Application:

  • Provides a platform for personal music playback and library management.
  • Can be expanded into a more comprehensive music streaming service.

Get Started

11. E-Commerce Product List with Filters

e commerce platform

This project involves building a product listing page for an e-commerce site, complete with filtering by categories, price range, and sorting functionality. You’ll learn about advanced Angular concepts like routing, lazy loading, and state management using services.

Duration: 22 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Understanding of Angular routing, lazy loading, and state management.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Angular components and services
  • HTTP requests in Angular
  • Basic understanding of routing

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • JSON-based mock API or real API for products
  • IDE (e.g., VS Code)

Real-World Application:

  • Product listing pages in e-commerce platforms
  • Filtering and dynamic content display in web apps

Get Started

12. Simple Finance Dashboard

simple finance dashboard

This project involves creating a personal finance dashboard where users can track income, expenses, and generate reports on their financial habits.

You will learn to work with Angular forms, charts, and services for handling dynamic data and user inputs.Duration: 22 hours

Project Complexity: Medium

Learning Outcome: Understanding of form handling, data visualization (charts), and state management in Angular.

Portfolio Worthiness: Yes

Required Pre-requisites:

  • Angular services and forms
  • Basic knowledge of charts and data visualization
  • HTTP client in Angular

Resources Required:

  • Angular CLI
  • Charting library (e.g., Chart.js or ng2-charts)
  • IDE (e.g., VS Code)

Real-World Application:

  • Personal finance management tools
  • Budgeting and expense tracking apps

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some easy Angular project ideas for beginners?

Some easy Angular project ideas for beginners are:

  • To-Do list App
  • Currency Converter
  • Weather App

2. Why are Angular projects important for beginners?

Angular projects are important for beginners because they provide practical experience and help beginners understand web development concepts in a real-world context.

3. What skills can beginners learn from Angular projects?

Beginners can learn TypeScript, MVC architecture, data binding, dependency injection, and SPA (Single Page Application) development through Angular projects.

4. Which Angular project is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience?

A simple to-do list application is recommended for someone with no prior programming experience

5. How long does it typically take to complete a beginner-level Angular project?

It typically takes 12 to 15 hours to complete a beginner-level Angular Project.

Wrapping Up

Experimenting with Angular Projects is an excellent way for beginners to improve their understanding of web development principles, learn practical skills, and build a strong portfolio that showcases their abilities.

Starting with simple Angular projects and slowly increasing complexity can provide you with a clear path to becoming proficient in Angular.

Explore More Angular Resources

Explore More Project Ideas

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Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education


Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education
