Here are two real-life examples of Wipro Elite NTH fresher interview experiences to provide you with a detailed understanding of what the process looks like:
Wipro Elite NTH Interview Experience 1
About the Interviewee
Name: Rajesh Kumar
Degree: B.Tech in Information Technology
Rajesh is a fresh graduate who is deeply passionate about software development and data analytics. He has honed his skills in Python and Java and enjoys tackling complex problems head-on.
Round 1: Aptitude Test
The first round was a mix of math, logic, and language questions. The logical reasoning part was a bit tough, but I managed to get through by keeping an eye on the clock and focusing on accuracy.
This experience taught me the importance of time management in high-pressure situations.
Round 2: Written Communication Test
In this round, I had to write an essay within a tight 20-minute timeframe. While I’m usually comfortable with writing, the time constraint added a layer of challenge.
Despite this, I managed to articulate my thoughts clearly and finished with only a few minor errors.
Round 3: Coding Test
This round featured two coding challenges. The first one was straightforward, but the second one, which involved data structures, was more complex.
Although I couldn’t solve it entirely, I felt that my approach was sound and that I was on the right track.
Round 4: Technical Interview
This round was an in-depth discussion about my technical skills. The interviewer asked about the programming languages I was familiar with and the projects I had completed.
The questions were challenging but fair, and I felt that my preparation helped me respond confidently.