May 6, 2024

Best Flutter IDEs and Code Editors

Best Flutter IDEs and Code Editors

Are you looking for the best Flutter IDE for Windows or the best Flutter IDE for MAC? Want to know which IDE is best for Flutter?

This blog will give you a compiled list of the best IDE for Flutter, especially for beginners. Know the particular requirements of your project and choose the IDE wisely!

10 Best Flutter IDEs and Code Editors – Overview

Here’s an overview of the 10 best Flutter IDEs and Code Editors:

S.No.IDE NameLicense TypePlatform CompatibilityVersion Control IntegrationDownload Link
1Android StudioFreeWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
2Visual Studio CodeFreeWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
3IntelliJ IDEAPaidWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
4DartpadFreeWeb-based platformNoDownload
5EmacsFreeWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
6EclipseFreeWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
7Sublime TextFreemiumWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload
9FlutLabFreeWeb-based platformYesDownload
10AtomFreeWindows, macOS, LinuxYesDownload

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Top 10 Flutter IDEs for Developers

Below are the top 10 Flutter IDEs for developers:

1. Android Studio

Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Android app development.

It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features that cater to the needs of students learning Android development.

License Type: Free and open-source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Dart
  • C/C++
  • XML

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Intuitive UI with easy navigation
  • Customizable layout for personalized workflow

Customization Options:

  • Theme customization
  • Plugin support for extending functionality

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for improved code readability
  • XML layout preview for visualizing UI design

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Breakpoints for pausing code execution
  • Variable inspection for debugging variables
  • Logcat for viewing logs and debugging messages

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community forums for troubleshooting and learning
  • Official documentation and tutorials for guidance

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2. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight and versatile code editor developed by Microsoft.

It is highly customizable and supports various programming languages, making it suitable for various development tasks.

License Type: Free and open-source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • Java
  • Dart
  • C#
  • C++
  • Go

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Clean and intuitive interface
  • Customizable layout and themes for personalized experience

Customization Options:

  • Extensive plugin marketplace for adding functionality
  • Key bindings customization for efficient coding

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for different languages
  • Built-in code snippets for faster development

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Built-in debugger with support for breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Integrated terminal for running commands and debugging output

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community with a large number of extensions and plugins
  • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials for support and learning

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3. IntelliJ Idea

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) developed by JetBrains.

It is widely used for Java development but also supports a variety of other programming languages.

License Type: Paid (Free Community Edition available)

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • Dart
  • Kotlin
  • Groovy
  • Scala
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • SQL

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • User-friendly interface with intelligent code completion
  • Customizable themes and keymaps for personalization

Customization Options:

  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for adding features and functionality
  • Code templates and live templates for faster coding

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Advanced syntax highlighting for different languages
  • Visual tools for database management and code analysis

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Powerful debugger with breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Profiling tools for performance analysis

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community with forums and resources for assistance
  • Regular updates and comprehensive documentation for learning and support

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4. Dartpad

Dartpad is an online integrated development environment (IDE) for the Dart programming language.

It provides a convenient way to write, run, and share Dart code directly in the browser, accessible for learning, prototyping, and experimenting with Dart code.

License Type: Free and open-source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Dart

Platform Compatibility:

  • Web browser-based, accessible on any platform with internet access

User Interface and Experience:

  • Clean and minimalistic interface for focused coding
  • Live code execution and instant feedback

Customization Options:

  • Limited customization options compared to desktop IDEs
  • Options to adjust font size and theme

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Syntax highlighting for Dart code
  • Basic code visualization and error highlighting

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Limited debugging capabilities compared to desktop IDEs
  • Console output for debugging messages

Version Control Integration: No

Community and Support:

  • Limited community support compared to larger IDEs
  • Basic documentation and help resources available

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5. Emacs

Emacs is a highly customizable text editor known for its extensibility and flexibility.

It offers a robust environment for writing and editing code, along with various features.

License Type: Free and open-source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Dart
  • Groovy
  • Scala
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • SQL

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Highly customizable interface with extensive keyboard shortcuts
  • Multiple modes for editing different types of files (e.g., text, code)

Customization Options:

  • Extensive customization through configuration files (e.g., Emacs Lisp)
  • Ability to add functionality and features through plugins and packages

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Supports syntax highlighting for various programming languages
  • Limited visual aids compared to modern IDEs

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Limited built-in debugging tools compared to full-fledged IDEs
  • Can be extended with external tools and plugins for debugging

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active Emacs community with a wealth of resources, forums, and documentation
  • Continuous development and updates from the community to improve functionality

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6. Eclipse

Eclipse IDE is a comprehensive development environment widely used for Java programming but also supports other languages through plugins.

It provides a rich set of tools and features for software development, making it popular among students.

License Type: Free and open-source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • Dart
  • C/C++
  • Python
  • PHP
  • JavaScript

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Customizable workspace layout
  • Intuitive interface with project management features

Customization Options:

  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for adding functionality
  • Customizable themes and key bindings

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for various languages
  • Visual tools for debugging and code analysis

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Built-in debugger with breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Profiling tools for performance analysis

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community with forums and resources for assistance
  • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials for learning and support

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7. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a lightweight yet powerful text editor favored by many developers for its speed, versatility, and extensive customization options.

It offers a minimalist interface with powerful features, making it suitable for various programming tasks.

License Type: Freemium (free to evaluate, paid license for continued use)

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Dart/Flutter (with plugins)
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • C/C++

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Clean and minimalistic interface for distraction-free coding
  • Quick navigation and multiple selection editing for efficiency

Customization Options:

  • Extensive customization through settings and plugins
  • Ability to create custom snippets and macros

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for various programming languages
  • Multiple color schemes and themes for visual customization

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Limited built-in debugging tools compared to full-fledged IDEs
  • Can be extended with plugins for debugging functionality

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community with plugins and packages developed by users
  • Documentation and forums available for support and learning

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8. Xcode

Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Apple specifically for macOS and iOS app development.

It offers a comprehensive set of tools and resources for developers to create, test, and debug applications for Apple’s platforms.

License Type: Free (available for download from the Mac App Store)

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Swift
  • Flutter/Dart
  • Objective-C
  • C/C++
  • AppleScript
  • JavaScript

Platform Compatibility:

  • macOS

User Interface and Experience:

  • Intuitive interface with easy navigation
  • Integrated tools for designing UI elements

Customization Options:

  • Extensive customization through preferences and settings
  • Support for plugins and extensions for added functionality

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for different languages
  • Visual aids for designing user interfaces

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Built-in debugger with breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Performance analysis tools for optimizing app performance
  • Simulator for testing apps on virtual devices

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community through Apple’s developer forums
  • Comprehensive documentation and resources for learning and support

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9. FlutLab

Flutlab is an online integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Flutter app development.

It provides a platform where developers can write, test, and deploy Flutter applications directly in the browser.

License Type: Free

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Dart (for Flutter)

Platform Compatibility:

  • Web-based platform accessible from any modern web browser

User Interface and Experience:

  • Clean and user-friendly interface designed for Flutter development
  • Integrated tools for designing UI elements and managing app resources

Customization Options:

  • Limited customization options compared to desktop IDEs
  • Options to configure project settings and dependencies

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Syntax highlighting for Dart code
  • Visual tools for designing Flutter widgets and layouts

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Built-in debugger with breakpoints and variable inspection
  • Hot reload feature for fast code iteration and testing
  • Simulator for testing apps on virtual devices

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Active community forums and support channels for assistance
  • Documentation and tutorials available for learning and troubleshooting

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10. Atom

Atom IDE is an open-source text editor developed by GitHub that can be extended into a fully functional IDE using a variety of plugins.

It is particularly popular among students and developers for its flexibility and support for web technologies, including Angular, through the Atom-IDE community packages.

License Type: Free/Open-Source

Supported Programming Languages:

  • Dart
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Java
  • C++

Platform Compatibility:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

User Interface and Experience:

  • Customizable and hackable interface, allowing users to tweak almost every aspect
  • Smooth and visually appealing design

Customization Options:

  • Themes and syntax color schemes are fully customizable
  • Plugins and packages to enhance functionality

Syntax Highlighting and Visualization:

  • Rich syntax highlighting for a wide range of programming languages
  • File structure visualization and project overview

Code Autocompletion: Yes

Integrated Debugging Tools:

  • Debugging capabilities via plugins like Atom-IDE-debugger
  • Breakpoints and inline editing
  • Console for output and error tracking

Version Control Integration: Yes

Community and Support:

  • Large community with extensive packages and plugins
  • Support via GitHub and community forums

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some of the best free Flutter IDEs and code editors available?

The best free Flutter IDEs and code editors are:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Android Studio
  • IntelliJ IDEA

2. What is the key difference between Flutter IDE and Code Editor?

The key difference between Flutter IDE and Code Editor is that IDEs offer a complete development environment, while code editors focus on code editing with fewer integrated tools.

3. What are the key features to look for in the best Flutter IDEs and code editors?

The key features in the best Flutter IDEs and code editors include flutter-specific plugins, debugging tools, hot reload support, version control integration, and, project templates

4. Can you recommend Flutter IDEs that are best for beginners?

Visual Studio Code, Android Studio with Flutter plugin are recommended flutter IDEs that are best for beginners.

5. Which Flutter IDEs have strong community support and reliable customer service?

Flutter IDEs with strong community support and reliable customer service include Visual Studio Code, Android Studio with Flutter plugin, IntelliJ IDEA with Flutter plugin.

6. What tools are available in Flutter IDEs for debugging code?

Tools available in Flutter IDEs for debugging code include breakpoints, variable inspection, call stack tracing, step-through debugging, and, watch expressions.

7. What Flutter IDEs have the best integration with version control systems like Git?

Flutter IDEs with the best integration with Git are Visual Studio Code, Android Studio with the Flutter plugin, and IntelliJ IDEA with the Flutter plugin.

Wrapping Up

These top 10 best Flutter IDEs and their features give an idea to choose the perfect IDE for your project.

With these many options available, choose a technically scalable environment with a good user interface.

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Aarthy R s

Aarthy is an passionate technical writer with experience across various domains such as web development, Web 3.0, AI, ML, technical documentation for product development, software testing, and, course content development. She has won over 6 national-level technical hackathons and blogathons.


Aarthy is an passionate technical writer with experience across various domains such as web development, Web 3.0, AI, ML, technical documentation for product development, software testing, and, course content development. She has won over 6 national-level technical hackathons and blogathons.
