January 31, 2024

Best YouTube Channels to Learn Discrete Mathematics

Best YouTube Channels to Learn Discrete Mathematics

Ever scratched your head wondering how to tackle the puzzles of Discrete Mathematics? You’re in luck!

The best YouTube channels to learn Discrete Mathematics are here to turn those complex theories and problems into something you can actually enjoy cracking.

10 Best YouTube Channels for Discrete Mathematics – Overview

Here’s an overview of top 10 YouTube channels to learn Discrete Mathematics, with links to their channel homepage:

S.No.Channel NameSubscribersNo. of VideosAvg Duration of VideosChannel Link
1TrevTutor262K55110 minSubscribe
2Kimberly Brehm74.4K1,53915 minSubscribe
3MIT OpenCourseWare4.87M7,25150 minSubscribe
4The Math Sorcerer809K8,41410 minSubscribe
5Dr.Gajendra Purohit1.38M1,06215 minSubscribe
6Dr. Trefor Bazett375K55810 minSubscribe
7Wrath of Math104K1,25110 minSubscribe
8Neso Academy2.37M2,569VariesSubscribe
9Frank Stajano Explains4.44K22110 minSubscribe
10Education 4u852K3,45610 minSubscribe

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Best YouTube Channels to Learn Discrete Mathematics

Below is the list of best YouTube channels to learn Discrete Mathematics:

1. TrevTutor

The “TrevTutor” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Math (Sets, Logic, Proofs, Relations, Counting, Number Theory, Functions)” is an extensive educational series covering a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics.

The series includes videos on various discrete mathematics topics, such as set theory, logic, counting, permutations and combinations, functions, relations, number theory, proofs, and formal grammar. It provides clear and detailed explanations of each concept, making it accessible to learners at different levels. The playlist covers foundational topics like introduction to set theory, Cartesian products, subsets and power sets, set operations, and proofs in set theory.

It also delves into more complex subjects such as countable and uncountable sets, propositional logic, truth tables, logic laws, rules of inference, predicate logic, and quantifier negation.

The series also includes videos on factorial and permutations, combinations, direct proofs, relations, functions, and the pigeonhole principle.

Joined: Jan 24, 2014

Views: 34,592,998 views

Subscribers Count: 262K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly one video

Total Number of Videos: 551 videos (Playlist: 88 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Engaging and enthusiastic, uses humor and real-world examples to explain concepts.

Interactive Elements: Polls, quizzes, and live chat.

Language: English

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2. Kimberly Brehm

The “Kimberly Brehm” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Math I (Entire Course)” is an extensive series covering a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics.

The series includes videos on various discrete mathematics topics, such as propositions, negations, conjunctions, disjunctions, implications, and constructing truth tables for compound propositions. It progresses to more complex subjects like logical equivalences, including De Morgan’s Laws, predicate logic, quantifiers, nested quantifiers, and rules of inference for propositional and quantified statements.

The playlist also covers proof techniques, including direct proof, proof by contraposition, proof by contradiction, proof by cases, and proofs of existence and uniqueness.

It also delves into set theory, operations on sets, functions, sequences, recurrence relations, summations, matrices, algorithms, divisibility, modular arithmetic, mathematical induction, discrete probability, and graph theory.

Joined: Nov 2, 2011

Views: 13,694,844 views

Subscribers Count: 74.4K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly one video

Total Number of Videos: 1,539 videos (Playlist: 80 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 15 minutes

Teaching Style: Clear and concise, uses visual aids and step-by-step explanations.

Interactive Elements: Q&A sections, practice problems, and additional references.

Language: English

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3. MIT OpenCourseWare

The “MIT OpenCourseWare” YouTube playlist titled “MIT 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, Fall 2010” is an extensive educational series covering elementary discrete mathematics. This course, taught by instructors Tom Leighton and Marten van Dijk, emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs, making it an ideal resource for students.

The playlist includes a series of lectures that cover a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics. It starts with basic concepts and principles, then progresses to more complex subjects such as number theory, graph theory, counting, and probability. The course also delves into topics like recursion, induction, and modular arithmetic, providing a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical underpinnings essential for computer science.

Joined: Oct 11, 2005

Views: 422,376,503 views

Subscribers Count: 4.87M subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly 2 videos

Total Number of Videos: 7,251 videos (Playlist: 25 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 50 minutes

Teaching Style: Clear, concise, academic, with whiteboard and diagrams

Interactive Elements: Occasional quizzes, problem sets within lectures

Language: English

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4. The Math Sorcerer

The “The Math Sorcerer” YouTube playlist titled “Set Theory” is a focused educational series primarily on proofs in set theory.

The series includes a variety of videos, each addressing different aspects and problems related to set theory. It covers topics like the union, intersection, set minus, absolute complement, Venn diagrams, and the powerset. The playlist also delves into proofs involving the empty set, Cartesian products of sets, and set theory with complements.

It also explores proofs of De Morgan’s Law for the union of two sets, methods to prove two sets are equal using double inclusion, and the distributive law for sets.

Joined: Sep 11, 2014

Views: 98,610,882 views

Subscribers Count: 809K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Daily uploads

Total Number of Videos: 8,414 videos (Playlist: 34 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Entertaining and fast-paced, uses animations and pop culture references to engage viewers.

Interactive Elements: Live streams, podcasts, and merchandise store.

Language: English

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5. Dr.Gajendra Purohit

The “Dr.Gajendra Purohit” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Mathematics (Full Course)” is a comprehensive educational series covering a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics.

The series includes a variety of videos, each addressing different aspects and problems related to discrete mathematics. It covers topics such as the overview and concept of set theory, principle of mathematical induction, Venn diagrams, relations, partial order relations, Hasse diagrams, pigeonhole principle, domain and range of functions, propositional logic, and more.

The playlist also delves into finite state machines, graph theory, matrix representation of graphs, graph isomorphism, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, graph coloring, spanning trees, recurrence relations, numeric functions, and generating functions.

Joined: May 3, 2013

Views: 218,602,497 views

Subscribers Count: 1.38M subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly 3 videos

Total Number of Videos: 1,062 videos (Playlist: 27 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 15 minutes

Teaching Style: Energetic, engaging, uses humor and analogies. Focuses on exam preparation.

Interactive Elements: Quiz questions, downloadable notes, live chat, and podcasts.

Language: Hindi

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6. Dr. Trefor Bazett

The “Dr. Trefor Bazett” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Math (Full Course: Sets, Logic, Proofs, Probability, Graph Theory, etc)” is an extensive educational series covering a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics.

The playlist includes a series of lectures that cover various topics in discrete mathematics, such as logical statements, logical operations, truth tables, sets, functions, relations, counting, number theory, and functions.

The playlist covers foundational topics like introduction to set theory, Cartesian products, subsets and power sets, set operations, and proofs in set theory. It also delves into more complex subjects such as countable and uncountable sets, propositional logic, truth tables, logic laws, rules of inference, predicate logic, and quantifier negation.

The series also includes videos on factorial and permutations, combinations, direct proofs, relations, functions, and the pigeonhole principle.

Joined: Jul 3, 2013

Views: 37,205,073 views

Subscribers Count: 375K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Monthly 2 videos

Total Number of Videos: 558 videos (Playlist: 85 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Precise and in-depth, provides detailed explanations and proofs.

Interactive Elements: Downloadable notes and problem sets. Merchandise store.

Language: English

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7. Wrath of Math

The “Wrath of Math” YouTube playlist titled “Graph Theory” is a series of lessons focusing on the subject of graph theory. This playlist is particularly beneficial for students interested in the mathematical study of graphs.

The playlist covers a wide range of topics in graph theory, starting with fundamental concepts like “What is a Graph?” and “What are Adjacent Vertices?” It progresses to more complex subjects such as the order and size of a graph, different types of graphs (including empty, trivial, and null graphs), subgraphs, spanning subgraphs, and vertex-induced subgraphs.

The series also delves into concepts like walks, trails, paths, circuits, cycles, connected vertices, and connected graphs. Additionally, it explores components of graphs, distance between vertices, geodesics, graph diameter, and the concept of bipartite graphs.

The playlist provides a comprehensive understanding of graph theory, including proofs and explanations of various theorems and concepts.

Joined: Jul 19, 2016

Views: 15,733,069 views

Subscribers Count: 104K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly 4 videos

Total Number of Videos: 1,251 videos (Playlist: 162 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Fast-paced and intense, often using humor to keep viewers entertained.

Interactive Elements: Uses diagrams and animations to explain complex concepts.

Language: English

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8. Neso Academy

The “Neso Academy” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Mathematics” is an extensive series dedicated to the study of mathematical structures that are countable or discrete in nature.

The series covers a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics, starting with an introduction to the subject and moving on to more complex concepts. It includes videos on propositional logic, propositional variables, compound propositions, and logical operators such as negation, conjunction, and disjunction.

The playlist also delves into topics like exclusive OR, implication, converse, contrapositive, inverse, biconditional operator, logical equivalences, and the precedence of logical operators.

It also explores translating sentences into logical expressions, tautology, contradiction, contingency, satisfiability, and rules of inference. Each video in the series focuses on a specific aspect of discrete mathematics, making the content accessible and beneficial for both beginners and advanced learners in the field.

Joined: Jul 30, 2014

Views: 14,359,543 views (for the “Data Structures” playlist)

Subscribers Count: 2.37M subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly 2 videos

Total Number of Videos: 2,569 videos (Playlist: 148 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: Varies, with a focus on in-depth explanation

Teaching Style: Structured, methodical, step-by-step approach

Interactive Elements: Effective presentation, screen sharing

Language: English

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9. Frank Stajano Explains

The “Frank Stajano Explains” YouTube playlist titled “Everything Discrete Mathematics” is a comprehensive series of lectures on discrete mathematics.

The series covers a wide range of topics in discrete mathematics, including formal languages and rule induction, exam questions on rule induction, regular expressions, regular expression matching, and Cantor’s theorem on the cardinality of sets. It also delves into finite automata, subset construction from NFA-epsilon to DFA, the equivalence of NFA-e and DFA in language recognition, and Kleene’s Theorem.

The playlist also explores closure under complementation and intersection, methods to determine if two regular expressions are equivalent, the Pumping Lemma, and its applications. The series also includes discrete mathematics exam questions and walkthroughs.

Joined: Jan 11, 2015

Views: 285,094 views

Subscribers Count: 4.44K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Weekly one video

Total Number of Videos: 221 videos (Playlist: 18 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Clear and concise, with step-by-step explanations. Uses a variety of practice problems to help students solidify their understanding.

Interactive Elements: Practice problems, quizzes, and presentations.

Language: English

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10. Education 4u

The “Education 4u” YouTube playlist titled “Discrete Mathematics” is a comprehensive educational series covering various topics in discrete mathematics.

The series includes a variety of videos, each addressing different aspects and problems related to discrete mathematics. It covers topics such as propositions in discrete mathematics, tautology and contradiction, laws of algebra of propositions, contrapositive, existential quantifier, predicates, rules of inference, universal quantifier, and set introduction.

The playlist also covers Venn diagrams, power set, set operations, laws of sets, finite and infinite sets, counting principle, permutation introduction, permutation problems and answers, introduction to combination, combination problems example, pigeon hole principle, and generalized pigeonhole principle.

Joined: Apr 17, 2017

Views: 197,812,139 views

Subscribers Count: 852K subscribers

Consistency of Updates: Daily uploads

Total Number of Videos: 3,456 videos (Playlist: 32 videos)

Average Duration of Videos: 10 minutes

Teaching Style: Structured, bite-sized lessons in whiteboard format. Perfect for methodical learners.

Interactive Elements: Downloadable guides and categorized practice problems.

Language: English

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best YouTube channels for learning Discrete Mathematics?

The best YouTube channels for learning Discrete Mathematics are:

  • TrevTutor
  • Kimberly Brehm
  • MIT OpenCourseWare
  • The Math Sorcerer
  • Dr. Gajendra Purohit
  • Neso Academy

2. Why should I choose YouTube for learning Discrete Mathematics?

YouTube offers diverse teaching styles, practical examples, and a wide range of Discrete Mathematics content for free, suitable for all learning levels.

3. How do I choose the right YouTube channel for learning Discrete Mathematics?

Look for channels that match your learning style, cover the topics you’re interested in, and have positive user engagement and reviews for learning Discrete Mathematics.

4. Can a beginner learn Discrete Mathematics effectively through YouTube channels?

Yes, many YouTube channels provide beginner-friendly Discrete Mathematics tutorials with step-by-step instructions and real-world examples.

5. How important is the instructor’s expertise in these Discrete Mathematics YouTube channels?

Instructor expertise is crucial as it ensures accurate, up-to-date information and effective teaching methods for Discrete Mathematics.

6. Are there YouTube channels for Discrete Mathematics that offer content in multiple languages?

Yes, some channels like Dr. Gajendra Purohit offers Discrete Mathematics content in Hindi, catering to a diverse audience.

Final Words

These YouTube channels make learning Discrete Mathematics feel less like a chore and more like solving an intriguing puzzle. They’re all about making the tough stuff fun and totally doable.

Keep checking this article as we will keep updating this space as more YouTube channels make space in the heart and study schedule of students preparing for placements and competitive exams.

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Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education


Thirumoorthy serves as a teacher and coach. He obtained a 99 percentile on the CAT. He cleared numerous IT jobs and public sector job interviews, but he still decided to pursue a career in education. He desires to elevate the underprivileged sections of society through education
