Accenture Recruitment Process


If you're a fresher eyeing an exciting opportunity with one of the world's leading consulting firms, Accenture's Off . . .

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If you’re a fresher eyeing an exciting opportunity with one of the world’s leading consulting firms, Accenture’s Off Campus Drive can be the path for you.

This guide will walk you through the essentials of the accenture recruitment process, from eligibility to interview stages. Let’s dive in!

Accenture Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

Before you register for the Accenture Off Campus Drive, ensure that you meet the specific eligibility criteria:

Criteria Factor/ParameterInformation
Educational QualificationsBachelor's degree in a relevant field. Higher qualifications or specialized certifications may be required.
Experience LevelOpportunities available for fresh graduates and experienced professionals. Specific requirements vary by role.
Academic ScoreMinimum aggregate score of 60% or equivalent CGPA in graduation. No active backlogs at the time of application.
Citizenship StatusMust be an Indian citizen or carry a PIO or OCI card if holding a passport from another nation.
Application GapAt least a 6-month gap between a candidate’s previous and current application.
Other RequirementsCandidates must not have any remaining college attendance requirements.

Accenture Job Roles

Accenture has introduced two new and exciting roles for the recruitment year of 2024, namely Advanced Associate Software Engineer (AASE) and Associate Software Engineer (ASE).

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the eligibility criteria for both positions:

Job RoleEligible BatchEligible StreamBacklogPercentage Criteria
Advanced Associate Software Engineer (AASE)2023 & 2024BE/B.Tech, MCA, M.Sc. (CSE, IT only)No active Backlog65% or 6.5 CGPA in graduation
Associate Software Engineer (ASE)2023 & 2024BE/B.Tech, MCA, M.Sc. (CSE, IT only)No active Backlog65% or 6.5 CGPA in graduation

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Accenture Recruitment Process for Freshers 2024

Accenture’s recruitment process aims to identify the best candidates through a comprehensive evaluation. Here’s how it unfolds:

1. First Round – Cognitive and Technical Assessment

In this initial round, candidates are assessed on cognitive abilities and technical knowledge. The round consists of two main sections:

SectionSubsectionDetailsQuestionsTime Allotted
Cognitive Assessment5050 Minutes
English AbilityReading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Error Spotting17
Analytical ReasoningLogical Patterns, Flowcharts, Decoding Encryption18
Numerical ReasoningBasic Mathematics, Averaging, Statistics15
Technical Assessment4040 Minutes
Common Applications & MS OfficeExcel Formulas, MS Word, Presentations12
Pseudo CodeC, C++, Java, OOPS Concepts18
Networking, Security, and CloudBasic Knowledge of Networking, Security, Cloud Frameworks10

1. Cognitive Assessment:

English Ability: This section evaluates grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and error spotting. It assesses the candidates’ understanding of English language constructs and ability to interpret written information.

Analytical Reasoning: Focuses on deductive logical thinking, pattern recognition, and the ability to decode encrypted information. It aims to test the candidates’ critical thinking skills.

Numerical Ability: Tests basic mathematics such as percentage calculation, distance-velocity calculations, and algebra. It assesses the candidates’ quantitative skills.

2. Technical Assessment:

Common Applications & MS Office: Evaluates practical knowledge of computer applications like Excel, MS Word, and PowerPoint. It ensures that candidates are proficient in basic computer operations.

Pseudo Code: Focuses on understanding programming logic and languages like C, C++, and Java. It assesses candidates’ familiarity with Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS) and data structures.

Networking, Security, and Cloud: Tests knowledge of fundamental networking, security, and cloud terminologies. It ensures that candidates have a basic understanding of these critical areas in today’s tech landscape.

This round serves as an elimination stage, and candidates must clear cut-off marks in each section and subsection. There is no negative marking, but time management is crucial, with a time limit of 1 minute per question.

2. Second Round – Coding Ability

The coding ability round challenges candidates’ problem-solving and coding skills. The complexity and number of problems vary:

Coding Language OptionsComplexityNumber of ProblemsDuration
C, C++, Java, PythonVaried2-345 minutes

Object-Oriented Languages (OOL): Candidates are provided with two coding questions that they are free to solve using any Object-Oriented Programming languages like C, C++, Java, Dot Net, or Python.

Unlike previous years, the coding round now serves as an elimination round. Failing to clear this round means the candidate won’t progress to the subsequent stages.

3. Third Round – Communication Assessment

Effective communication is a vital skill at Accenture. This round focuses on evaluating candidates communication skills:

Sentence MasteryProper use of tenses, voices, and prepositions; crisp sentence framing
VocabularyEffective use of words in sentences
FluencyComfort in speaking English; smooth bridging of sentences; use of fillers
PronunciationProper pronunciation of English words, minimizing regional accent effects

Sentence Mastery: This evaluates the candidate’s ability to use sentences accurately, including proper use of tenses, voices, and prepositions. The ability to frame concise and clear sentences is assessed here.

Vocabulary: This section checks the candidate’s effective use of words and how they fit into a sentence, reflecting the richness and appropriateness of their vocabulary.

Fluency: Assessing the candidate’s comfort level while speaking English, this section also notes the use of fillers and how smoothly the candidate bridges sentences together.

Pronunciation: Proper pronunciation of English words is key, and this part of the assessment looks for any strong regional accent that might affect pronunciation. Candidates are encouraged to work on minimizing such effects.

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4. Interview Technical/HR

The final stage includes two interviews that gauge technical expertise and alignment with Accenture’s culture:

Interview TypeFocus AreaDuration
Technical InterviewTechnical Skills, Academic Projects, Role-specific Concepts45 minutes
HR InterviewPersonality, Career Goals, Cultural Fit30 minutes

Technical Interview: Focuses on the candidate’s knowledge in their field of study, understanding of their academic projects, and technical skills that are essential for the job role.

HR Interview: Examines candidates’ alignment with the company’s values, career goals, personality traits, and suitability for the organizational culture.


1. How many rounds are there in the Accenture recruitment process?

There are 4 (four) main rounds in the Accenture recruitment process for freshers: Cognitive and Technical Assessment, Coding Ability, Communication Assessment, and Technical/HR Interview.

2. What are the rounds in the Accenture interview process?

The rounds in the Accenture recruitment process include:

  1. First Round: Cognitive and Technical Assessment
  2. Second Round: Coding Ability
  3. Third Round: Communication Assessment
  4. Fourth Round: Technical/HR Interview

3. Which rounds are elimination rounds in the Accenture recruitment process?

The first Round (Cognitive and Technical Assessment) and second round (Coding Ability) are mentioned as elimination rounds in the Accenture recruitment process.

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